benoitc / hackney

simple HTTP client in Erlang
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checkout_timeout when it is set to infinity #581

Open iguberman opened 5 years ago

iguberman commented 5 years ago

I get checkout_timeout error even though it is set to infinity:

There is a periodic POST request in my app (every 5 minutes). It's ok initially but after some while (i.e. overnight) I'm starting to see this error:

In hackney settings I have it set to infinity. NOTE: that I have commented out use_default_pool, false because I want to use the default pool. I had no checkout_timeout error while the default pool was disabled (obviously).

 {hackney, [
    %% {use_default_pool, false},
    {checkout_timeout, infinity}
benoitc commented 5 years ago

@iguberman is this happening on latest version of hackney? ALso is this the only connection made?

benoitc commented 5 years ago

@iguberman can you paste the full trace if you have it? It would be helpful

iguberman commented 5 years ago

Hi Benoit, thanks so much for looking into it! I was able to reproduce it on "master" branch :( I don't get a stack trace just a response from hackney:post(Url, Headers, Data, []): {error,checkout_timeout}. I am able to run this successfully for a couple of hours with 5 minutes interval (sending stats somewhere). I'm waiting now to reproduce it for the second time. Hackney version as I see in rebar.lock {ref,"318c6adc821f6fe9dd1eac1718c0208ede40c0be"}
Usually this problem happens after a couple of hours.

iguberman commented 5 years ago

Yes, just confirmed again that it is indeed an issue with master branch as well. After about 2 hours or so after starting my app and hackney:post 2 requests every 5 minutes, it starts happening.

iguberman commented 5 years ago


 {hackney, [
    %%{use_default_pool, false},
    {checkout_timeout, infinity}
benoitc commented 5 years ago

do you read the return of your request? It seems like there is no connection available in the pool, which should not happen with the rate you are describing.

iguberman commented 5 years ago

Yes, I check the return value and if it's not 201 I display it in warning log:

case hackney:post(Url, Headers, Data, []) of
      {ok, 201, _Headers, _Ref} ->=
        lager:info("Posted data ~p to ~s", [Data, Url]);
      {ok, ErrorCode, _Headers, Ref} ->
        {ok, Message} = hackney:body(Ref),
        lager:warning("Code ~b posting data ~p to ~s: ~s", [ErrorCode, Data, Url, Message]);
      Other ->   %%% THIS IS WHERE I GET THE {error,checkout_timeout}
        lager:warning("Error posting data ~p to ~s: ~p", [Data, Url, Other])

Is there something wrong with my hackney pool config maybe? I assume using default pool is a good thing and I shouldn't run out of connections there as they should be happily reused especially at 2 connections every 5 minutes rate? These are all called from the same process. But I am running out of connections after a couple of hours which means they aren't reused somehow?

Maybe 5 minutes is too long for them to stay alive and they get closed but somehow not removed completely (accounted for) or something like that.

Something else I have to do explicitly? Should I use the default pool in this situation at all? (I can run for days without the default pool enabled, but then at some point I suddently get emfile error (setup is ample on my machine), but this might be /most likely is related to mnesia and is probably unrelated to hackney)

benoitc commented 5 years ago

ah but you don't read the body when you get a 201 so it won't release the socket to the pool. A socket is only returned to the pool in the following cases:

When a connection is closed, the pool is notified of it and allows to create a new socket.

Can you try to skip or read the body. You can also always retrieve the body using the with_body option.

Let me know.

iguberman commented 5 years ago

Wow! Had no idea. Thanks! Will try the skip_body.