Open framar89 opened 2 years ago
Hello @framar89 it was a test repository
if you've DevWorkspace engine enabled you just need to provide the editor key to open with CheCode
Thank you a lot. I'm trying to use a custom IDE but unfortunately the documentation provides examples with version 1 and they don't work with Eclipse Che 7.42.0-SNAPSHOT (the default IDE is always loaded). So I looked for an example to start with and this repo seemed to me the simplest one. So now I try to follow your suggestion and let you know. Do you know where I can find documentation for using custom IDE with devfile v2 and compatible with the current version?
you may look at or
Let me know if you've some issues
What about having a custom IDE? I can define my custom IDE (using devfile v2) in .che/che-editor.yaml and then refer to it with http://your-che-server# Is this correct?
if there is a custom .che/che-editor.yaml then no need to add ?che-editor parameter
I created a simple repo with a custom IDE (in .che/che-editor.yaml I defined a devfile with one component that is just a web server that exposes some info: I created a new workspace importing from git ( but I obtain the following error: Container theia-ide has state CrashLoopBackOff Probably there is something wrong in the che-editor.yaml, is there a way to understand what is wrong?
@framar89 do not use 'che-theia' values in your .che-editor.yaml as it'll try to enhance devfile automatically and it won't work in your case
Thank you, I was able to change the che-editor.yaml and set the fake IDE image (nginxdemos/nginx-hello) The workspace pod is now running and from the details I see that the container related to the custom IDE (nginxdemos/nginx-hello) is running. Unfortunately now I have another error creating a new workspace importing from git ( Getting workspace detail data failed. Failed to fetch the workspace demo-custom-ide4, reason: Could not retrieve mainUrl for the running workspace
so, in DevWorkspace, we need to expose one "main" endpoint among all the endpoints
For example when using Dashboard to open a workspace, it will redirect user to one endpoint, the main one
so, add
type: main
to your vista endpoint in the che-editor.yaml
Unfortunately it won't fix the issue. I still get "Could not retrieve mainUrl for the running workspace"
I changed the che-editor.yaml with the following:
schemaVersion: 2.1.0
name: test-custom-ide12
- name: vista-ide
image: "crccheck/hello-world"
mountSources: true
- name: vista
targetPort: 80
exposure: public
protocol: http
type: main
- exposedPort: 80
and now in the console log I see that it is stuck in "waiting for editor". The container is actually started so I don't know what is missing.
Now it works! Thank you for your suggestions
ah cool , thanks for keeping me updated
About the link you provided (, is it possible to specify a custom query string argument like
no, it's not possible to add new environment variables though queries (only inside the devfile)
ok, and what about define the environment variable (with a default value) inside the devfile and override the value in some way in the URL? I did some tests with the redhat env and I saw that the link to create a workspace is something like:
Is the &override.attributes.persistVolumes=false something inspiring to do what I'd like?
If I create a new workspace importing from git (this repo) I get the following error in applying the dev file: Failed to create a workspace. Failed to create a new workspace from the devfile, reason: Unable to resolve che-code plugins: Not able to find che-code-description component in DevWorkspace and its templates
I am using minikube under windows 10 (hyperv) and the Eclipse Che 7.42.0-SNAPSHOT