benoitvallon / react-native-nw-react-calculator

Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code
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Reload does not work with Linux + Android #19

Open docent opened 8 years ago

docent commented 8 years ago

Hi Benoit, first of all, many thanks for the nice demo!

I was playing with it using Android + Linux. The app builds and installs correctly (using react-native install-android) and even runs correctly on the first time. (The weird thing though is, on the first run it does not try to pull the JS using react packager - I see no trace of any requests there.)

However, when as I try to reload JS from the phone, the JS gets transferred correctly (confirmed by the packager logs) but I'm ending up with a blank screen, and the following errors in the log:

D/ReactNativeJS(13909): 'Running application "nativeApp" with appParams: {"initialProps":{},"rootTag":1}. __DEV__ === false, development-level warning are OFF, performance optimizations are ON'
D/ReactNativeJS(13909): 'Running application "nativeApp" with appParams: {"initialProps":{},"rootTag":1}. __DEV__ === false, development-level warning are OFF, performance optimizations are ON'
E/ReactNativeJS(13909): 'Error: \n stack: measureMethods@http://localhost:8081/src/\nhttp://localhost:8081/src/\nrequireImpl@http://localhost:8081/src/\nrequire@http://localhost:8081/src/\nhttp://localhost:8081/src/\nrequireImpl@http://localhost:8081/src/\nrequire@http://localhost:8081/src/\nhttp://localhost:8081/src/\nrequireImpl@http://localhost:8081/src/\nrequire@http://localhost:8081/src/\nhttp://localhost:8081/src/\nrequireImpl@http://localhost:8081/src/\nrequire@http://localhost:8081/src/\nhttp://localhost:8081/src/\nrequireImpl@http://localhost:8081/src/\nrequire@http://localhost:8081/src/\nhttp://localhost:8081/src/\nrequireImpl@http://localhost:8081/src/\nrequireImpl@http://localhost:8081/src/\nrequire@http://localhost:8081/src/\nglobal code@http://localhost:8081/src/\n line: 53888\n message: Can\'t find variable: process', { [ReferenceError: Can't find variable: process]
E/ReactNativeJS(13909):   line: 53888,
E/ReactNativeJS(13909):   column: 11,
E/ReactNativeJS(13909):   sourceURL: 'http://localhost:8081/src/' }
E/ReactNativeJS(13909): 'Error: \n stack: http://localhost:8081/src/\nrequireImpl@http://localhost:8081/src/\nrequire@http://localhost:8081/src/\nhttp://localhost:8081/src/\nrequireImpl@http://localhost:8081/src/\nrequire@http://localhost:8081/src/\nhttp://localhost:8081/src/\nrequireImpl@http://localhost:8081/src/\nrequire@http://localhost:8081/src/\nhttp://localhost:8081/src/\nrequireImpl@http://localhost:8081/src/\nrequireImpl@http://localhost:8081/src/\nrequire@http://localhost:8081/src/\nglobal code\n line: 54631\n message: Can\'t find variable: process', { [ReferenceError: Can't find variable: process]
E/ReactNativeJS(13909):   line: 54631,
E/ReactNativeJS(13909):   column: 11,
E/ReactNativeJS(13909):   sourceURL: 'http://localhost:8081/src/' }
E/ReactNative(13909): Got JS Exception: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'require('BatchedBridge').flushedQueue')

(Note that the first error is actually Can\'t find variable: process', { [ReferenceError: Can't find variable: process] - you need to scroll to the right in the error log).

Any idea why is this failing? I actually tried Windows too, but that fails for different reasons, so let's leave this for now.

benoitvallon commented 8 years ago

Hi @docent, thanks.

About your issue, I am not really familiar with Android and Linux as I work on a Mac.

Have you looked at the react-native repo issues. Android support is still quite new and they may still have bugs unresolved. Have you tried to install the demo project with react-native init to see if it works as expected as well.

docent commented 8 years ago

Yes. The default demo project is working as expected, and so are other demos that I tested. Everything works including reload etc. Do you know why your app does not try to pull the JS immediately after start? That is somewhat strange, all the other demos would do that.

verystrongjoe commented 8 years ago

I have same issue with android in windows 7. If I reload, the app exists showing uncertain error.