benrhughes /

An implementation of todo.txt for Windows using the .NET framework
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Feature request: quick-filter / quick-search functionality always available in UI #366

Closed celmi closed 5 years ago

celmi commented 6 years ago

I'm finding the filter-function a bit tedious to use for spontaneus search-activities (for example, if I want to check wether a task already exists or needs to be written) . I'd love to be able to write a search-term into a textbox that is always present somewhere in the user-interface, immediately filtering out any tasks that contain this term (similar to the quick-search in thunderbird, where I can filter out mails from the mailbox I am currently looking at).

p.s. thanks everyone involved for this awesome tool!

Kamul-PL commented 5 years ago

I agree with celmi. Such a quick-search would be highly desirable. Or at least any kind of search (besides filtering). Or maybe there is search possibility, but I can't find it? (I am a new user of

A also wanted to admit, that even if I've just started my adventure with this app, I think it's great. It has all what I like: its lightweight, useful and all relevant things could be done using just keyboard. Big thanks to developers!

JasonDavidBeck commented 5 years ago

Vim-style quick-search would be an awesome addition.

 </> to enter search mode
 <Enter> to enter search term
 <n> or <N> to go to next/previous
 <ESC> to exit search mode

Matching instances of search term are highlighted on the fly as the search term is entered.


benrhughes commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions. At this stage is in maintenance mode and no new features are likely to be added.