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Keyboard shortcuts for increasing/decreasing due date broken #395

Closed remingtonsmith closed 3 years ago

remingtonsmith commented 4 years ago

The Ctrl+Up shortcut deletes the entire task if you ever try to increase the due date beyond the present date. The Ctrl+Down shortcut erroneously appends "t:[date]" to the end, which does not conform to Gina's spec. The syntax should be due:[date].

Neither Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down recognize the due:[date] in a task and modify that date. They both add/modify t:[date], which is not recognized in Gina's spec.

aubreyz commented 4 years ago

due: and t: are totally different things. Both are correct parts of the original spec and widely used extensions.

At least here the task does not delete with Ctrl+Up. Firstly this acts on the threshold date not the due date. You must have "Hide Future Tasks" ticked.

Ctrl+Alt+Up or Ctrl+Alt+Down act on the due date as expected.

remingtonsmith commented 4 years ago

Thanks aubreyz. It appears I was using the wrong shortcuts to increase/decrease the due date as I read the help shortcut list too quickly. Now that I'm using the right shortcuts:

As to the threshold issue, I was not aware of that feature. You were correct—I had hide future tasks ticked. However, the help documentation should list the Ctrl + Up and Down shortcuts for threshold. There is considerable documentation on the spec that omits any reference to threshold, and, despite using this program for years, I had to hunt for information about it.

bubonicfred commented 3 years ago

I just came here to second that the help page doesn't list the Ctrl+up Ctrl+down shortcuts. Should a separate issue be made?

daveliao commented 3 years ago

@bubonicfred - I don't think a separate issue would help (since this issue is still open).

remingtonsmith commented 3 years ago

Go ahead and start a new issue for the documentation. Everything is working fine now that I disabled the conflicting shortcuts in AutoHotKey. But, the shortcuts and threshold should definitely be better documented.