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An implementation of todo.txt for Windows using the .NET framework
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due:tomorrow on Windows app not working #413

Open csgrig73 opened 3 years ago

csgrig73 commented 3 years ago

Hi there. New to Trying to filter tomorrow's tasks but the filter "due:tomorrow" doesn't seem to work: I get no tasks at all. Tried the same filter with the Chrome extension (used the same todo file) and it worked fine.

Any ideas?

remingtonsmith commented 3 years ago

I don't believe the today, tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday due date shortcuts work within the filter settings. It is just a shortcut for creating deadlines within tasks without having to look at a calendar. When using it to create a task deadline, the software immediately translates it to an actual date once you finish entering the task.

chipbite commented 2 years ago

@remingtonsmith +1 Adding date shortcuts could be done as a new feature. due:tomorrow could be useful for some, perhaps.