benrhughes /

An implementation of todo.txt for Windows using the .NET framework
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[BUG] Project Sorting with Multiple Projects Tagged #424

Open remingtonsmith opened 3 years ago

remingtonsmith commented 3 years ago

In Sort by Project view, when tagging tasks with more than one project, sorting of projects seems to be dictated by the alphabetic position of the first tag such, e.g., a +D project list is listed before the +C project list where a +D project task also has a +B project tag in the task before the +D project tag. Example 2021-01-18 Test task +B +D. It appears that the program does not analyze the entire task to look for project tags when deciding where a project should appear in Sort by Project view, but just looks for the first project tag, even if the applicable list is actually for the second project tag in the task.

chipbite commented 2 years ago

Just browsing, decided to read this one. TBH, it does not make sense to me. Can you clarify? Can you have two priorities for the same task? Is that a common practice? What is the purpose of that? Very curious. Is that part of the todotxt spec, btw?