benrhughes /

An implementation of todo.txt for Windows using the .NET framework
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[Feature Request] Show Completed Tasks at the End in "Context" or "Project" Sort Mode #425

Closed Super3000 closed 2 years ago

Super3000 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I would like to ask if it could be possible to show the Completed Tasks at the End in "Context" or "Project" Sort Mode, below n/a section. This could be optional. Reason is that many completed tasks in a project make it unreadable in "Context" or "Project" Sort Mode. And archiving is not an option in the projects.

For Example like this:

@Robert Write a summary @ROB Buy paper @ROB

@Claudia Computer work @CLA CHeck opportunities @CLA

@Thomas Write a summary @THO Buy paper @THO

n/a Door closed? Nice weather?

Completed [this is acutally strike-strough in] Write a summary @ROB Buy pineapples @ROB Pay bills @TOM Eat an apple @robjefferies

Thank you very much :) Super

rob commented 3 years ago

I'd like to buy the pineapples. We need organic or what?

Super3000 commented 3 years ago

I'd like to buy the pineapples. We need organic or what?

I'm sorry, rob. Your task "Buy pineapples" is already completed. But you still need to "Write a summary" (another one) and "Buy paper"... ;)

shulist commented 3 years ago

@Super3000 its not clear to me if you just want to get Completed Tasks grouped below the listing or get rid of it completely. Based upon your comment of: archiving is not an option it seems to me you'd be happy with them temporarily disappearing? If so then just filter them out using -DONE. In most case I never really care about seeing Completed Tasks myself.

Super3000 commented 3 years ago

@Super3000 its not clear to me if you just want to get Completed Tasks grouped below the listing or get rid of it completely. Based upon your comment of: archiving is not an option it seems to me you'd be happy with them temporarily disappearing? If so then just filter them out using -DONE. In most case I never really care about seeing Completed Tasks myself.

I have a similar approach in Excel, for me its quite handy to have the completed tasks in reach before archiving them. Sometimes a old task is activated again or needs to be done again. Thats just what I experience.

This could be done like above:

(normal todo list here)

Completed [this is acutally strike-strough in]
Write a summary @rob
Buy pineapples @rob
Pay bills @tom
Eat an apple @robjefferies

or ordered by person:

(normal todo list here)
Write a summary @rob
Buy pineapples @rob

Pay bills @tom

Eat an apple 

Thank you

benrhughes commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion, but as stated in the readme, I am no longer taking feature requests for this app.