benrudolph / webinar.innovation

Innovation Webinar
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Prototyping less tangible ideas #3

Open benrudolph opened 10 years ago

benrudolph commented 10 years ago

Rapid prototyping can be difficult if the idea isn't easily prototypable (such as ideas or systems, rather than products). What if any suggestions do you have for prototyping these harder, less tangible ideas?

benrudolph commented 10 years ago

Rollplay out situations to work on finding out of human systems have worked.

benrudolph commented 10 years ago

Can isolate different parts of the system to better discover how they work in isolation.

benrudolph commented 10 years ago

"Sometimes you can break your system into testable segments. Testing segments separately allows you to identify problem areas and refine adjustments." - Kari Hanson

benrudolph commented 10 years ago

"Use sketches, physical mock-ups or analogous situations to prototype and observe. Is there another business or situation that in similar in function to the situation or problem you are examining?"