benruehl / adonis-ui

Lightweight UI toolkit for WPF applications offering classic but enhanced windows visuals
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Style for bottom right corner in ScrollView is missing #23

Closed Thimilius closed 5 years ago

Thimilius commented 5 years ago

I encounterd a missing styling in the ScrollView that is inside a TextBox.

The corner rectangle in the bottom right that fills the space for both the vertical and horizontal scrollbar is tinted white in dark mode: ScrollView_Bug

There sort of is a workaround as it is possible to override this style with the following code:

        <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static SystemColors.ControlBrushKey}" Color="{DynamicResource {x:Static adonisUi:Colors.Layer2BackgroundColor}}"/>

Resulting into the following: ScrollView_Workaround

But unfortunatley this overridden color does not match the background gradient of the TextBox that is present for the first 100 pixels or so. (The color difference might be hard to notice in the images)

benruehl commented 5 years ago

Thank you for reporting this! I will have a look at it as soon as I can.

Atulin commented 5 years ago

Has this been merged into master? I'm having the issue as well: image Using AdonisUI 1.10.0

benruehl commented 5 years ago

It is merged and should be fixed in the latest version on NuGet as well (v1.11.0-preview).

PS: A stable version is following in a few days I hope. I released it as a preview because the NuGet packaging changed in this release because of .NET Core 3.0 and I wanted to be careful to not break anything. But as everything seems to work fine for everyone and my personal tests passed as well, I will probably just make the current release a stable one without changing anything. So the preview can be used relatively safely.

Atulin commented 5 years ago

Glad to hear, I'm not in a hurry with the release so I'll wait for it to go to master. Thanks!