As part of debugging prior issues, I learned a trick to get gnuplot to basically send some info back to me at the end of a command set. This was done to diagnose the commands being tested. At the end of the command set, I would add the following:
cmd_cleanup = "show output; unset output"
The show output would give me the filename of where the png/jpeg file was going to be stored. The unset would tell gnuplot to flush the output and release file system locks on it. If I got a different message, that gave me a clue that the most recent command I had sent was malformed and needded work.
Anyway, PyGnuplot does not currently turn on stdout or stderr as part of the instantiation command.
You would need something like:
proc = _Popen(['gnuplot', '-p'], shell=False, stdin=_PIPE, stdout=_PIPE, stderr=_PIPE) # persitant -p
and later on in .c method do: out,err = proc.communicate() ;# gives a tuple
Maybe .c method could return out,err? Also print them to the console?
As part of debugging prior issues, I learned a trick to get gnuplot to basically send some info back to me at the end of a command set. This was done to diagnose the commands being tested. At the end of the command set, I would add the following:
cmd_cleanup = "show output; unset output"
The show output would give me the filename of where the png/jpeg file was going to be stored. The unset would tell gnuplot to flush the output and release file system locks on it. If I got a different message, that gave me a clue that the most recent command I had sent was malformed and needded work.
Anyway, PyGnuplot does not currently turn on stdout or stderr as part of the instantiation command.
You would need something like: proc = _Popen(['gnuplot', '-p'], shell=False, stdin=_PIPE, stdout=_PIPE, stderr=_PIPE) # persitant -p
and later on in .c method do: out,err = proc.communicate() ;# gives a tuple
Maybe .c method could return out,err? Also print them to the console?