bensheldon / good_job

Multithreaded, Postgres-based, Active Job backend for Ruby on Rails.
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Using concurrency controls with ActionMailer #1385

Open drale2k opened 3 months ago

drale2k commented 3 months ago

@bensheldon after your help on Slack i can confirm this works fine and i think adding it to the docs will help others in the future.


Rails.application.configure do
  ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob.include GoodJob::ActiveJobExtensions::Concurrency
   perform_throttle: [ 2, 2.second ]

In my case perform_throttle: [ 1, 1.second ] did not work as expected. It would send more than 1 per second and i would hit the rate limit on the Resend API. 2 in 2 seconds seems to work though.