Hi! Thanks for the great package! Little issue here. I am not able to see an option to modify the padding/margin around the content of the tooltip. It seems that there is something like a default padding. Maybe I am missing something. Otherwise I would recommend to add a property to control it. Thank you in advance!
Code used:
popupDirection: TooltipDirection.down,
content: Material(
child: Text(
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscingelitr, "
"sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut laboreet dolore magna aliquyam erat, "
"sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justoduo dolores et ea rebum. ",
softWrap: true,
Something like being able to set this value in the _BubbleShape class.
EdgeInsetsGeometry get dimensions => new EdgeInsets.all(10.0); //this value of ten
Let me see if I manage to find some time to propose a merge for this feature.
Hi! Thanks for the great package! Little issue here. I am not able to see an option to modify the padding/margin around the content of the tooltip. It seems that there is something like a default padding. Maybe I am missing something. Otherwise I would recommend to add a property to control it. Thank you in advance!
Code used:
Something like being able to set this value in the _BubbleShape class.
Let me see if I manage to find some time to propose a merge for this feature.