bensu / doo

doo is a library and lein plugin to run cljs.test on different js environments.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Support multiple profiles? #123

Closed ddellacosta closed 7 years ago

ddellacosta commented 7 years ago

I need to have different paths for phantomjs depending on the environment my CLJS tests are running in. It would be nice if I could solve this somehow using profiles, either leveraging the cljsbuild profile config already present with some extra doo-specific options (ideal) or, alternatively, have a doo-config-specific set of profiles, but right now I don't see any workarounds to solve this problem for me--as far as I can tell from poking at the docs and reading some of the code, doo fundamentally assumes a single cljsbuild profile and doesn't allow multiple configuration values for a given runner's path. Am I missing something?

ddellacosta commented 7 years ago

Nevermind, a colleague showed me how this could be solved easily with leiningen profiles.