bensu / doo

doo is a library and lein plugin to run cljs.test on different js environments.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
324 stars 63 forks source link

This site can't be reached on http://localhost:9876 #129

Closed luminusian closed 6 years ago

luminusian commented 7 years ago says,

Alternatively, if you don't want doo to launch the browsers for you, you can always launch them yourself and navigate to http://localhost:9876

With karma "1.5.0", lein doo gives an error:

ERROR [plugin]: Cannot find plugin "karma-chrome-launcher".
  Did you forget to install it?

http://localhost:9876 says, This site can't be reached

With karma "0.13.19", lein doo gives a warning: WARN [plugin]: Cannot find plugin "karma-chrome-launcher".

http://localhost:9876 says, Karma v0.13.19 - connected

miikka commented 6 years ago

Please try installing the Karma plugin karma-chrome-launcher with npm install karma-chrome-launcher --save-dev and see if that helps.

Since this is pretty old issue already, I assume that you've moved on and I'm going to close this. If it's still a problem and installing the plugin doesn't solve it, please re-open this issue with more information.