bensu / doo

doo is a library and lein plugin to run cljs.test on different js environments.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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junit plugin usage (possibly user error) #183

Open alexanderjamesking opened 6 years ago

alexanderjamesking commented 6 years ago

First of all, thanks for your work - doo is great!

I've been trying to set up the junit reporter as per the README, I have installed karma-junit-reporter and configured as follows:

  :doo {:paths {:karma "./node_modules/karma/bin/karma"}
        :karma {:launchers {:chrome-headless-no-sandbox {:plugin "karma-chrome-launcher"
                                                         :name "HeadlessChromeNoSandbox"}}
                :config {"reporters" ["progress" "junit"]
                         "customLaunchers" {"HeadlessChromeNoSandbox" {"base" "ChromeHeadless"
                                                                       "flags" ["--no-sandbox"]}}

                         "junitReporter" {"outputDir" "target/cljs-test-reports"}}}}

When running I get:

06 07 2018 10:23:36.216:ERROR [reporter]: Can not load reporter "junit", it is not registered!

Have I missed something?