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Geo Satoshi地理空间数据区块链 #3

Open bentan2013 opened 6 years ago

bentan2013 commented 6 years ago



Abstract. A purely peer-to-peer open source ecosystem allowing for the aggregation, storage and distribution of geospatial data.

The proposed system uses digital coins to incentivize organizations to publish their proprietary geospatial data to benefit the geospatial community at large.

摘要. 一个纯粹的端到端开源生态系统允许地理空间数据的整合、存储和分发。区块链技术提供这一解决方案的一部分,但这一系统的主要部分是缺失的,即如果信任的第三方被要求管理和控制这一系统。 地理空间信息社区提出的这一建议,是一个建立于区块链技术之上的数字商业系统,将鼓励和促进高质量地理空间数据的建立。 为了激励高质量的数据,作者和浏览者都被使用生态系统的GeoSatoshi数字币予以奖励。 使用区块链技术解决了几个地理空间数据的问题:可访问性, 中心化权属和全球可负担。浏览数据是免费的,以促进数据开放访问,但是下载 features 要求 GeoSatoshi coin作为货币一样支付。匿名特征被建议,用于减少来自可怕威胁的强制的影响,促进非传统但符合道德的方法的数据收集。通过区块链方法,数据不是发送,而通过key访问。建议的系统使用数字货币来鼓励机构公开自己的私有数据从而在更大的范围造福于地理空间数据社区。


bentan2013 commented 6 years ago




First, created data is submitted to a level 1 data pool. Then, another user of the system, who may or may not be known to the data creator, can peer review the data for level 1 approval. Chance may be introduced if the data creator does not have a peer selected to review their work. Approved level 1 data is submitted to the level 2 pool, where a randomly selected user is chosen for final quality control. Chance is the proposed measure to add spice to the ecosystem as well as anti-conspiracy protection for community users.

bentan2013 commented 6 years ago


Organizational Node Hosting

Organizations often have GIS Professionals clustered geographically, with GIS users spread out globally. Enterprise configurations for GIS typically centralize data in a spatial database for client software to access. Historically, organizations have invested a lot of capital to build and acquire geospatial data. Organizations, both public and private, play an enormous role in the development of geospatial data. Organizations should be seen as an ally to the project.

When an organization hosts a node, they are a peer node on the network. Organizations have no authority over the system and the only control they have is turning the node on or off. If they misbehave, the community can exclude the node. Organizations provide a benefit to the community by providing resources to strengthen the network through the node they host.

The benefit organizations receive is faster access to high-quality data without the expense of maintaining a data server. It can take a long time to download geographic data because of their potential enormous size. Local node hosting can be extremely beneficial to organizations in parts of the globe with slow Internet access.