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Fate Tectonics Tickets
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Temple placement, fleet placement questions #4

Closed henryfaber closed 9 years ago

henryfaber commented 9 years ago

Thelas Staloras writes:

Also, as a separate feature thing, it was not obvious to me that the additional levels were adding temples I could place until I reached level 3; I thought level 2 was just the twin Fates (neither of which have powers). This might be worth hinting.

Also^2, I'm not sure what the restrictions on placing a fleet are; is this explained somewhere I've missed?

abethke commented 9 years ago

There's two tutorials in game currently talking about fleet placement. The first is when the power unlocks and says something like "Place fleets near cities" and then second unlocks once the game detects that you are placing ocean tiles and have the fleet power unlocked. In this scenario the game actiivates an arrow to guide the user to the fleet power and the once selected shows them where to place it on the world; Unfortunately the second step of that tutorial is bugged and waiting Andrew to take a look at fixing the positioning bug with that second arrow.

abethke commented 9 years ago

For the temple placement with have the 'nag lights' which is a full screen pillar of light that pulses over time to draw players' attention to the unused power. This will repeat indefinitely until they use the power once.

abethke commented 9 years ago

I'll let you know once we have the fleet placement advanced tutorial fixed

abethke commented 9 years ago

Fix for the fleet placement tutorial will be in the build tonight.

abethke commented 9 years ago

Fix will be in build 1.8.3