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feat: support for different OCI build tools backend #2911

Closed hellkrusher closed 1 year ago

hellkrusher commented 2 years ago

Feature request

Build the docker file with podman build or buildah.


Docker is a paid product for most commercial uses. podman or buildah are open source.


No response

yubozhao commented 2 years ago

Just curious, @hellkrusher. Is this a requirement for your org?

What do you think about this? @ssheng

parano commented 2 years ago

Had a quick chat with @aarnphm about this - I think Yatai already uses Podman in our image builders on kubernetes, but requires some hacking into the Bento's files. Ideally we should support it via the bentoml containerize CLI command and allow users to choose the backend.

rajatjatana commented 2 years ago

This would be a nice feature to have. My organization is currently trying to use bento (with yatai) and shifting away from docker in favour of podman.

ssheng commented 2 years ago

Makes sense to support different OCI builders. We can consider adding an argument in containerize to allow selection of building. @hellkrusher @rajatjatana How urgent is this for your organization?

hellkrusher commented 2 years ago

@ssheng, We currently do not have a way to containerize using bentoml due to the docker restriction. podman has an alias for docker buildx but removing the buildx check from _internal/utils/ only gets so far: $ bentoml containerize --no-cache --verbose knn:latest Building docker image for Bento(tag="knn:szd4wsq5pcoq2usu")... Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg. error running container: error from /usr/bin/runc creating container for [/bin/sh -c rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-clean; echo 'Binary::apt::APT::Keep-Downloaded-Packages "true";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/keep-cache]: time="2022-09-02T16:22:53-04:00" level=error msg="container_linux.go:370: starting container process caused: error adding seccomp filter rule for syscall bdflush: permission denied" : exit status 1 ERRO[0000] did not get container create message from subprocess: EOF Error: error building at STEP "RUN rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-clean; echo 'Binary::apt::APT::Keep-Downloaded-Packages "true";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/keep-cache": error while running runtime: exit status 1 Failed building docker image: Command '['docker', 'buildx', 'build', '--progress', 'auto', '--tag', 'knn:szd4wsq5pcoq2usu', '--file', 'env/docker/Dockerfile', '--load', '--no-cache', '.']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

tomomonta commented 1 year ago

Just wanted to bump this.

We are in the same boat as rajatjatana. Want to use bento with yatai, but we need to use Podman.

aarnphm commented 1 year ago

Alright. It seems like folks want this feature. I will take a look at this.

aarnphm commented 1 year ago

Multiple OCI builders support for containerize


The ability to support different OCI builders allows users to use build tools that comply with their organisation's requirements and compliance.


There are a few different OCI build tools that support buildkit:

Even though podman uses buildah under the hood, their container representation is different.


Containerize will be using a new tool called bentokit, which will build OCI-compliant bento images.

bentokit build bento:tag --builder kaniko --opt ... --opt ...

supported builder includes [docker|podman|buildah|buildctl|kaniko]

Containerize will use bentokit under the hood.

Features that containerize will offer:

  1. Specify the given builder for containerize via BENTOML_BUILDER:
BENTOML_BUILDER=podman bentoml containerize iris_classifier:latest

docker will be the default builder if not specified.

  1. To pass in specific options/flags for given build tools, containerize will now unify all options via --opt:
bentoml containerize iris_classifier:latest --opt cache-to=registry/repo/cache --opt security-opt=appamor=unconfined
  1. We will also allow user to pass options for given builder via BENTOML_BUILDER_OPTIONS:
BENTOML_BUILDER_OPTIONS="--shm-size=64m --cache-to=registry/repo/cache" BENTOML_BUILDER=podman bentoml containerize iris_classifier


The ability to control builder and options via environment would help in certain K8s settings, where it is easier to control behaviour via an environment variable.

Unifying --opt variable allow containerize to be OCI tools agnostic, meaning it should work with any OCI tools backend users wish to use.

What this means with current containerize options?

This means that all --<options> under bentoml containerize will be removed, which means this will be a breaking change to bentoml containerize.


bentokit be implemented in Go and create a binary that will be included within bentoml distribution. (wip)

bentokit will provide a build python API:

from import bentokit Tag, builder="kaniko", **kaniko_options): ... Tag, builder="podman", **podman_options): ... Tag, builder="docker", **docker_options): ...

Direction we can take for bentokit?

Open for suggestion.

  1. Dynamic build a container:
    bentokit.Add("./model", "/src/model")
    bentokit.Run('[[ -f /src/model ]] && echo "Hello"')
yubozhao commented 1 year ago

WDYT about the name bentobuilder?

aarnphm commented 1 year ago

WDYT about the name bentobuilder?

The API would be a bit weird with bentobuilder? bentobuilder build?

I'm also thinking to extend a frontend for this tool as well, something like

# syntax=bentoml/bentokit:main
aarnphm commented 1 year ago

Hi @tomomonta, is it possible for you to run buildctl with podman? buildctl is the standalone client to build image with BuildKit?