bentonam / fakeit

Generates JSON documents based on models defined in YAML and adds them to a Couchbase Bucket
MIT License
86 stars 21 forks source link

Not a Load gen or benchmarking tool #188

Open Fujio-Turner opened 6 years ago

Fujio-Turner commented 6 years ago

People are confusing fake it as a load gen or benchmarking tool.

"Why can I only put in XYZ documents per second into Couchbase with fake it."

On the file could you put a disclaimer that fakeit is a sample document generator not a load gen tool and create a link to Couchbase pillowfight for load gen.

bentonam commented 6 years ago

@Fujio-Turner I agree, I've talked about it being a development tool. There are ways to generate millions/billions of records with FakeIt but it's a little convoluted at the present time.