bentorkington / sf2ww

A clone of Street Fighter 2 World Warrior, written from scratch in C + OpenGL
80 stars 9 forks source link

Enable building on Windows 11 (MSVC 2022) #9

Open mdreeling opened 3 weeks ago

mdreeling commented 3 weeks ago

I have a fork where I have this (sort of) running on Windows 11 in MSVC 2022. I think it may be worth getting it working properly to be able to expand who can work on it.

mdreeling commented 3 weeks ago

Still working through it, but it boots and goes into Demo mode, at which point it FBPanics, but the characters still fight, albeit with Blanka off screen. I just need to go back through and see whats i missed.

bentorkington commented 3 weeks ago

Nice, I'm keen to see it. I haven't given this project much attention in the last few years but with a few people showing up lately keen on contributing I might try and give it a bit of time next year.

bentorkington commented 3 weeks ago

From memory there was one C99 feature I was using - unsized arrays as final struct members - that meant I couldn't use the MSVC compiler. Has that changed or did you rewrite those?

mdreeling commented 3 weeks ago

Interesting... yes I think flexible arrays were added in 2015 and since 2019 its fully supported

mdreeling commented 3 weeks ago

Wrapping up for the night

bentorkington commented 3 weeks ago

nice work