bentsai / thoughts

What if I put my thoughts into GitHub Issues?
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Using GitHub Issues for my "digital garden" #1

Open bentsai opened 2 years ago

bentsai commented 2 years ago

I was originally inspired by rosano's tweet that synergized with my thoughts on publishing thoughts, and I spun up a Discourse instance on Digital Ocean. It was hosted at (now offline), but I pulled the plug because it was costing too much (> $5/month).

Fast-forward to today ⏭, I realized that GitHub Issues is a lightweight forum/discussion platform that might do the same job. And it is "free," has an API to pull the data, and accessible on all platforms. So, gonna give this a go.

aravindballa commented 2 years ago

I gave a thought about this too.

It's also a great tool that can reference other issues ( automatically adding backlinks, even from a different public repository.

I tinkered with the API a bit to build a website out of these issues. It's at -