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FromThePage is a wiki-like application for crowdsourcing transcription of handwritten documents.
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CDM Exports aren't working #2468

Closed saracarl closed 1 year ago

saracarl commented 3 years ago
    Beginning export of work 55911, 'Box 069, folder 15: Roman Burghart' 

Updating p15808coll15   record p15808coll15:4988    from Page 1 1806244 Box 069, folder 15: Roman Burghart.  CONTENTdm response:
Error detail:  Invalid pointer p15808coll specified

Updating p15808coll15   record p15808coll15:4989    from Page 2 1806245 Box 069, folder 15: Roman Burghart.  CONTENTdm response:
Error detail:  Invalid pointer p15808coll specified

Updating p15808coll15   record p15808coll15:4990    from Page 3 1806246 Box 069, folder 15: Roman Burghart.  CONTENTdm response:
Error detail:  Invalid pointer p15808coll specified

Updating p15808coll15   record p15808coll15:4991    from Page 4 1806247 Box 069, folder 15: Roman Burghart.  CONTENTdm response:
Error detail:  Invalid pointer p15808coll specified

Updating p15808coll15   record p15808coll15:4992    from Page 5 1806248 Box 069, folder 15: Roman Burghart.  CONTENTdm response:
Error detail:  Invalid pointer p15808coll specified

Updating p15808coll15   record p15808coll15:4993    from Page 6 1806249 Box 069, folder 15: Roman Burghart.  CONTENTdm response:
Error detail:  Invalid pointer p15808coll specified

Updating p15808coll15   record p15808coll15:4994    from Page 7 1806250 Box 069, folder 15: Roman Burghart.  CONTENTdm response:
Error detail:  Invalid pointer p15808coll specified
Finished export of work 55911, 'Box 069, folder 15: Roman Burghart' 
    Skipping export of uncompleted work 45345, 'Farfel Notebook 01: Leaves 001-064' 
    Skipping export of uncompleted work 45346, 'Farfel Notebook 02: Leaves 065-134' 
    Skipping export of uncompleted work 45347, 'Farfel Notebook 03: Leaves 135-222' 
    Skipping export of uncompleted work 45349, 'Farfel Notebook 04: Leaves 223-316' 
    Skipping export of uncompleted work 45350, 'Farfel Notebook 05: Leaves 317-396' 
    Skipping export of uncompleted work 45353, 'Farfel Notebook 07: Leaves 469-498' 
    Skipping export of uncompleted work 55204, 'Ice hockey yearbook, 1984-1985 season, Ohio University' 
    Skipping export of uncompleted work 55205, 'Spectrum Green yearbook, 1978' 

Possibly this is just new or pdf items, needs testing.

Collections are now appended to the cdm record with a : between them; we need to look for the colon.

Erin at Ohio U is waiting for this.

benwbrum commented 3 years ago

This has been deployed, and Erin has been asked to test the fix via email.

benwbrum commented 3 years ago

This continues to be a problem, with NCDCR reporting the following error:

        Beginning export of work 59577, 'Tax Lists, Beaufort County, 1755' 

Updating        record 2585    from TreasurersComptrollers_TaxLists_Box1_Beaufort_1755_001       1856989        Tax Lists, Beaufort County, 1755.  CONTENTdm response:
Error detail:  Sorry, you do not have permissions to edit metadata in this collection.
saracarl commented 2 years ago

This has just been reported by Greenville as well.
Here's the digital collection in ContentDM Here's the collection in FTP V. 3 No. 9 - The Slater News V. 3 No. 8 - The Slater News V. 3 No. 4 - The Slater News V. 3 No. 5 - The Slater News V. 3 No. 7 - The Slater News V. 3 No. 3 - The Slater News V. 3 No. 6 - The Slater News

benwbrum commented 2 years ago

We've added more logging to track the actual SOAP requests and responses

Here's an example for page 32566791

Updating https record 8 from gcls_SN_009d
32566791 V. 3 No. 9 - The Slater News. CONTENTdm
I, [2022-10-05T16:44:37.969793 #13767] INFO -- : SOAP
I, [2022-10-05T16:44:37.969897 #13767] INFO -- :
SOAPAction: "processCONTENTdm", Content-Type:
text/xml;charset=UTF-8, Content-Length: 13443
D, [2022-10-05T16:44:37.970198 #13767] DEBUG -- : <?xml
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:xsd=""
<value>Page Four THE SLATER NEWS
May 3, 1945
[Column 1]
[Box in column 1]
[End of box in column 1]
S/Sgt. Boyce Darnell is in an Army Hospital in England
recuperating from machine gun wounds he received while
serving with the infantry in Germany.
[Photo of S/Sgt. Boyce Darnell]
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Darnell, of Route No.
3, Greenville, S.C.
Sgt. Darnell worked here as a weaver in Weave Room Nol. 1,
prior to entering the Army in December, 1942.
His many friends in and around Slater hope that his wounds
are not of a serious nature, and wish for him an early
Pvt. Jesse H. Bates, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Bates of
Travelers Rest, S.C., has recently arrived safely in
[Photo of Pvt. Jesse H. Bates]
Before entering service in June, 1944, Pvt. Bates was
employed in our Weaving Department as a warp hauler.
He received his training at Camp Wolters, Texas. He also
took six weeks' training as a paratrooper at Fort Benning,
Ga., but is now serving with the infantry in France.
Mr. Thomas A. Hendricks comes to Slater as Assistant
Manager of the Production Department. He is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. George H. Hendricks, of Easley, and was born in
Easley, September 10, 1914. After finishing grammar and
high school at Easley, he entered Clemson College and
graduated there in 1937.
Mr. Hendricks received his general mill experience at
Goodyear Clearwater Mill No. 3, in Cartersville, Ga.
In 1941, he went into the army as a second lieutenant, but
was given an honorable discharge in the spring of 1942.
After his discharge, he went into the Quartermaster Corps
as Inspector of Textiles, where he worked until he joined
the staff of S. Slater &amp; Sons, Inc.
His wife is the former Miss Sarah Welch, of Abbeville.
We all extend to Mr. Hendricks a most hearty welcome and
hope that he is going to like his work here at Slater.
Bob Hope can really be serious about one thing--that's the
war. He has been out there with our lads on nearly every
front and here is his message to us. "Let's spend more
time on our jobs here at home so that our boys at the front
will have less time to die."
[Column 2]
[Box in columns 2 and 3]
Our Servicemen Here And There
[End of box in columns 2 and 3]
Soldier Writes About Slater
(Editors Note: The following item was voluntarily
contributed by a Sister serviceman, and is published as
On a recent visit to the pleasant and beautiful community
of Slater. I stood in front of the drug store and looked
up the hill toward Slater Hall and the surrounding
territory. Believe me when I say I was thrilled and
awestruck by the sheer beauty of the place in general.
Mr. and Mrs. Slater Resident, have you taken time recently
to really look at the village and appreciate the beauty and
peacefulness of the place? Are you glad you and your
children can enjoy such a place?
Have you been into the Wood Memorial Clinic recently? Have
you seen anything to compare with it for miles around? Do
you know the amount of equipment that is at your disposal
and just how modern it all is? Do you realize how lucky
you are to have such a doctor as you ahve, ready to
minister to your needs at all times? Do you know how wellequipped
your drug store is?
Do you use the library, or do you know just how much
material is there for you and how much planning and thought
is put into making it serve you to the best advantage?
Do you take an active part in athletics, using the
equipment at your disposal to keep the body God gave you in
a healthy condition? Are you interested enough in any of
these things to take part and, at times, make helpful
suggestions for improvements? If not, maybe you would be
just as happy in a community whre there was nothing but a
grocery store, a gas station, and maybe a hot dog stand.
If you, Mr. Slaterite, feel the same way as I did the last
time I saw the place, you would go to the church of your
choice Sunday and thank God for letting you live in a
decent American community.
Or do you go to church? Where else is there a community
comparable in size that has three church buildings as nice
as those at Slater? They why not use one of them in which
to worship?
Are you afraid that your personal conduct does not exactly
meet the approval of some one else at church? Some time
last week did you maybe drink a bottle of beer? Maybe when
you hear lively music you want to dance, or maybe you did
dance a little. Perhaps you went to a "Movie" and some of
the actors did not have on all the clothes that they might
have had. Maybe after working all week you went to a ball
game and got a few minutes of much needed relaxation and
fresh air and put into better condition the body with which
God has entrusted you. If any of these is the reason you
are not going, you are doing your God and yourself an
injustice. If you feel that He will accept you as a
Worshiper, you should not let a few "Holier Than Thou" and
[Column 3]
Judges" keep you away from your place of worship.
Your attendance, along with other normal people, could help
make the churches into places that the service man can come
back to, and feel that he can worship the God that he has
learned to know on the battlefield.
I have lived day after day with boys, or should I say men,
of all faiths and creeds. We have found that the only
thing that really matters is an individual's belief and
trust in the living God. The form of worship and petty
rules of daily conduct that are so strongly stressed by
some are secondary, and the important thing is the great
plan of Salvation that the Master has set up for His
The fellow next to us in the Army seems very close to God,
and is so sincere in his religion that he almost makes us
ashamed of our lax relation to our Master. Yet, he goes to
a dance every chance he gets, to decent places of course,
and thinks that there is no harm in it. We can't show him
in the Bible where he is sinning, and his opinion is as
good as ours, so who are we of my faith to judge him?
Maybe another fellow had rather have a glass of beer than a
glass of orange juice. We can't show him in the Bible
where it says, "Thou shall not drink beer," and his love
for his religion and reverence for his God is so great that
you almost feel little.
After seeing these examples, do you think we want a
religion that is self-centered and narrow? God is not
either of these. We want our religion from the Bible, and
not from a set of pet rules made from the opinions of men.
The service man is ready for the church. Help make the
church ready for the service man. Help make Slater a place
where a tolerance of others' views and Brotherly Love are a
School Takes Part In Clothes Drive
The Slater-Marietta High School and Grammar School children
took part in the collection of clothes and shoes for the
relief of the overrun European countries. The collection
was very good indeed, the total collection amounting to 794
Joan Barrett was high collector with a total of 178 pounds.
Jerry Harvey came second with a collection of 136 pounds.
Joan is in the seventh grade and Jerry is in the sixth
Robinson Is Freed From German Prison
Mr. and Mrs. Millard E. Robinson, of Route No. 1, Marietta,
have received a message that their son, Staff Sergeant
Harold E. Robinson, has been liberated by the Americans and
is in a hospital somewhere in the European theater of war.
S/-Sgt. Robinson was reported missing in action in
November, 1944, and later was found to be a prisoner of the
[Column 4]
[Box in column 4]
With The Sick
[End of box in column 4]
Mrs. Estelle Coggins and Mrs. Mary Cline report that their
mother, Mrs. J. N. Timmons, who has been very ill, is
improving greatly.
Mrs. J. W. Johnson reports that her brother, John J.
Southerline, who is in training at Bainbridge, Md., is able
to be out of the hospital. We all wish for "Red" the best
of luck.
Mrs. Bonnie McMakin has been away from work several days
due to illness. We all miss you Bonnie, and hope that you
will soon be back.
We are very sorry to learn that Mrs. Jess Barnett is
confined to her bed.
We are indeed sorry to know that Grace Calloway's mother is
in the Greenville General Hospital. We wish for her a
speedy recovery, and hope that Grace will soon be back at
The following poem was written by Mrs. Zora Moore, whose
husband was killed in action July 12, 1944. Mrs. Moore is
a sister of Mrs. Kenneth Henson, who is employed in the
Weaving Department of S. Slater &amp; Sons, Inc.
The Lord has called my husband;
From me he had to go away.
He took his flight to Heaven.
To live through an endless day.
So happy we were together,
Although it wasn't very long.
But God knew the reason to call him,
And I know God couldn't be wrong.
Oh! how I hated fro him to leave me;
He was always so kind and true.
But he always said, "Remember dear,
I'd die for the Red, White and Blue."
So early he had to leave me;
He's gone beyond the mystical sea.
He is now preparing a mansion;
He is waiting for Jimmy and me.
And now he's gone to Heaven,
But I love him just the same.
I know he's waiting to meet me
When the angels call my name.
Some day when the Lord shall call me;
Let it be soon or late.
I know he'll bid me welcome
When I enter that beautiful gate.
The Lord knows I'm sad and lonely,
But I will do my best
To raise up my darling baby
'Til he can stand the test.
Before entering service four years ago, Robinson was
employed in the Weaving Department of S. Slater &amp; Sons,
Inc. He has been overseas one and one-half years, and in
October, 1944 was awarded the Silver Star for "heroic
conduct on the field of battle."
The many friends of S/Sgt. Robinson are glad to know that
he is safe and on the road to recovery.
[Column 5]
Miss Connie Coleen Brown and Claude Oliver Jones, S-1/C,
were married on Saturday, April 7, 1945, at the home of
Rev. George K. Way, of Charleston. The Rev. Way
officiated, using the ring ceremony.
The bride was attired in an egg-shell white traveling
dress, with which she used navy accessories. Her corsage
was a pink orchid with white rosebuds.
The following members of her cadet-nurse class at the S. C.
Medical College were present for the ceremony: Miss Rachel
Legare, of McCleanville; Miss Vera K. Horton, of Coloumbia;
Miss Margaret Cannon, of Charleston; Miss Mary Frances
Walte3rs of Eutaville; and Miss Sally Gregory, of Saluda.
The bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Brown of Slater,
were also present.
Mrs. Jones is an honor graduate of Slater-Marietta High
School of the class of 1943, having been valedictorian of
her class and also the winner of the scholarship, history,
and English medals. She attended Furman University one
year, then decided to give up her scholarship and enter
nurses' training. She worked for awhile as an employee of
S. Slater &amp; Sons, Inc., and then on February 15, 1945,
she entered the Roper Hospital division of the South
Carolina Medical College, at Charleston, where she began
her training as a cadet nurse.
The bridegroom was an employee of S. Slater &amp; Sons,
Inc., prior to his entrance into the Navy in November,
1942. He now has a rating of seaman first class and has
been on eight missions. He returned to naval duties on
April 16. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, of
The young couple spent their honeymoon with the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Brown, of Slater.
Woman's Society Meets At Methodist Church
The regular monthly meeting of the local W.S.C.S. was held
at the Slater Methodist Church on Tuesday evening, April
10, at 7:30 o'clock.
Devotional exercises were led by Mrs. E. A. McGill. Mrs.
McGill also was in charge of a short program which
followed. The president, Mrs. Robert H. Atkinson, read
items from the Conference News Sheet.
At the conclusion of the business session, Mesdames Ansel
McMakin and Sam Addington served delicious refreshments.
Atkinson In Charge Of St. James' Services
The regular services at St. James Episcopal Church,
Greenville, S.C. on April 22, were conducted by Robert H.
Atkinson, Employment Manager of S. Slater &amp; Sons, Inc.
due to the absence through illness of the Rector Dr.
Alexander R. Mitchell.
Mr. Atkinson said morning prayer and delivered a sermon.
He is a licensed lay reader of the Episcopal Church and has
long been engaged in religious work as a layman.
D, [2022-10-05T16:44:37.970366 #13767] DEBUG -- : HTTPI
/peer POST request to (net_http)
I, [2022-10-05T16:44:38.090988 #13767] INFO -- : SOAP
response (status 200)
D, [2022-10-05T16:44:38.091514 #13767] DEBUG -- : <?xml
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<return>Error detail: Invalid pointer 8 specified
Error detail: Invalid pointer 8 specified
2.7.1 :011 > page = Page.find 32566791
2.7.1 :012 > page.metadata
 => {"direct"=>{}, "title"=>"gcls_SN_009d", "covera"=>{}, "dpla"=>{}, "righta"=>{}, "source"=>{}, "digita"=>{}, "identi"=>{}, "media"=>{}, "format"=>{}, "digiti"=>{}, "datea"=>{}, "dmrecord"=>"8"} 
2.7.1 :013 > page.sc_canvas.sc_canvas_id
 => "" 

If we look at each page in the work and see its dmrecord value next to the IIIF canvas the page corresponds to, these look like they are probably correct.

[["5", ""],
 ["6", ""],
 ["7", ""],
 ["8", ""]]

The imported manifest is below:

   "label":"V. 3 No. 9 - The Slater News",
         "label":"SC County",
         "value":"Greenville County (S.C.)"
         "value":"S. Slater & Sons, Inc."
         "label":"Date Digital",
         "value":"Black and white community newspaper for Slater Mill. 4 pages."
         "label":"Digital Collection",
         "value":"Slater News"
         "label":"Digitization Specifications",
         "value":"300 dpi jpeg; scanned on KIC Bookeye 4 and generated from an archival master TIFF using Adobe Photoshop Elements 6"
         "value":"gcls_SN _009"
         "label":"Media Type",
         "label":"Contributing Institution",
         "value":"Greenville County Library System"
         "value":"Public Domain"
         "value":"From the private collection of Bill Cashion"
         "value":"Community newspapers;Slater Mill (Slater, S.C.);Textile industry"
         "value":"V. 3 No. 9 - The Slater News"
         "value":"Still image"
         "value":"Greenville County Library System Digital Collections"
         "value":"<span>From: <a href=\"\">V. 3 No. 9 - The Slater News</a></span>"
      "Public Domain"
         "label":"V. 3 No. 9 - The Slater News",
         "label":"V. 3 No. 9 - The Slater News",

benwbrum commented 1 year ago

OCLC has asked how we are determining the dmrecord which we use in our SOAP call.

It looks like we are deriving it from the IIIF canvas ID for the page, in this code. In the case of the value 8, we're parsing that from

The results of that operation match the dmrecord value in the hash we stored from the REST call to dmGetItemInfo when we originally imported the item from CONTENTdm: {"direct"=>{}, "title"=>"gcls_SN_009d", "covera"=>{}, "dpla"=>{}, "righta"=>{}, "source"=>{}, "digita"=>{}, "identi"=>{}, "media"=>{}, "format"=>{}, "digiti"=>{}, "datea"=>{}, "dmrecord"=>"8"}

The dmGetItemInfo call is, which returns {"direct":{},"title":"gcls_SN_009d","creato":{},"date":{},"subjec":{},"descri":{},"covera":{},"rights":{},"dpla":{},"righta":{},"langua":{},"source":{},"publis":{},"digita":{},"identi":{},"media":{},"type":{},"format":{},"digiti":{},"datea":{},"transc":{},"fullrs":{},"find":"9.jp2","dmaccess":{},"dmimage":{},"dmcreated":"2018-10-09","dmmodified":"2018-10-09","dmoclcno":{},"dmrecord":"8","restrictionCode":"1","cdmfilesize":"3529806","cdmfilesizeformatted":"3.37 MB","cdmprintpdf":"0","cdmhasocr":"0","cdmisnewspaper":"0"}

benwbrum commented 1 year ago

OCLC does not plan to take any immediate action on this. Closing until more work on CONTENTdm side.