Closed saracarl closed 1 month ago
This is a problem in display_page
rendering the xml_text
for this particular page. We need to get the page source and the XML text to reproduce it.
page to investigate: /dartmouthlibrary/wrangelisland/stefansson-wrangel-09-15-011/display/32404450
Another one: page_id=34043802
This also occurs for the page version tab:
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:25.968541 #3197961] INFO -- : Started GET "/page_version/show?page_version_id=19866" for at 2024-09-09 16:47:25 +0000
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:25.970944 #3197961] INFO -- : Processing by PageVersionController#show as HTML
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:25.971154 #3197961] INFO -- : Parameters: {"page_version_id"=>"19866"}
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:26.064828 #3197961] INFO -- : Rendered page_version/show.html.slim within layouts/application (Duration: 74.6ms | Allocations: 142510)
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:26.065289 #3197961] INFO -- : Rendered layout layouts/application.html.slim (Duration: 75.3ms | Allocations: 143213)
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:26.066066 #3197961] INFO -- : Completed 500 in 95ms (ActiveRecord: 6.0ms | Allocations: 151097)
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:26.069053 #3197877] INFO -- : Rendered layout layouts/application.html.slim (Duration: 25.4ms | Allocations: 19776)
F, [2024-09-09T16:47:26.071679 #3197961] FATAL -- :
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass):
53: :path => "#{collection_edit_page_path(@collection.owner, @collection, @work,}",
54: }]
56: -description = xml_to_html(@page.xml_text)
57: -selected_tab = tabs.find { |tab| tab[:selected] == selected }[:name] rescue ""
58: -tab_title = ([3,6].include? selected) ? "#{selected_tab.downcase} #{t('.page')}" : "#{t('.page')} #{selected_tab.downcase}"
59: -page_title = @collection.present? ? "#{@page.title} (#{@collection.title}, #{@work.title})" : "#{@page.title} (#{@work.title})"
app/helpers/abstract_xml_helper.rb:286:in `block (2 levels) in xml_to_html'
app/helpers/abstract_xml_helper.rb:285:in `block in xml_to_html'
app/helpers/abstract_xml_helper.rb:284:in `each'
app/helpers/abstract_xml_helper.rb:284:in `xml_to_html'
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:64:in `switch_locale'
And another page version:
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.909544 #3197907] INFO -- : Started GET "/page_version/show?page_version_id=2035106" for at 2024-09-09 16:47:29 +0000
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.909849 #3197877] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 48ms (Views: 26.0ms | ActiveRecord: 5.9ms | Allocations: 38317)
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.910124 #3197877] INFO -- : Oink Action: article_version#list
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.910309 #3197877] INFO -- : Memory usage: 2428584 | PID: 3197877
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.910455 #3197877] INFO -- : Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 25 | User: 8 | ArticleVersion: 7 | PageBlock: 3 | Article: 2 | Collection: 2 | Visit: 1 | DocumentSet: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.910637 #3197877] INFO -- : Oink Log Entry Complete
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.911741 #3197907] INFO -- : Processing by PageVersionController#show as HTML
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.911937 #3197907] INFO -- : Parameters: {"page_version_id"=>"2035106"}
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.939161 #3197877] INFO -- : Started GET "/article_version/show?article_version_id=32088313" for at 2024-09-09 16:47:29 +0000
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.941394 #3197877] INFO -- : Processing by ArticleVersionController#show as HTML
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.941643 #3197877] INFO -- : Parameters: {"article_version_id"=>"32088313"}
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.948212 #3197907] INFO -- : Rendered page_version/show.html.slim within layouts/application (Duration: 20.9ms | Allocations: 53022)
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.948674 #3197907] INFO -- : Rendered layout layouts/application.html.slim (Duration: 21.7ms | Allocations: 53725)
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.949400 #3197907] INFO -- : Completed 500 in 37ms (ActiveRecord: 3.9ms | Allocations: 61642)
I, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.950927 #3197961] INFO -- : Rendered display/display_page.html.slim within layouts/application (Duration: 67.8ms | Allocations: 176118)
F, [2024-09-09T16:47:29.954548 #3197907] FATAL -- :
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass):
53: :path => "#{collection_edit_page_path(@collection.owner, @collection, @work,}",
54: }]
56: -description = xml_to_html(@page.xml_text)
57: -selected_tab = tabs.find { |tab| tab[:selected] == selected }[:name] rescue ""
58: -tab_title = ([3,6].include? selected) ? "#{selected_tab.downcase} #{t('.page')}" : "#{t('.page')} #{selected_tab.downcase}"
59: -page_title = @collection.present? ? "#{@page.title} (#{@collection.title}, #{@work.title})" : "#{@page.title} (#{@work.title})"
app/helpers/abstract_xml_helper.rb:286:in `block (2 levels) in xml_to_html'
app/helpers/abstract_xml_helper.rb:285:in `block in xml_to_html'
app/helpers/abstract_xml_helper.rb:284:in `each'
app/helpers/abstract_xml_helper.rb:284:in `xml_to_html'
app/controllers/application_controller.rb:64:in `switch_locale'
This also happens in read_all_works
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.545506 #3198062] INFO -- : Processing by DisplayController#read_all_works as HTML
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.545753 #3198062] INFO -- : Parameters: {"article_id"=>"32059567"}
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.556446 #3198088] INFO -- : Started GET "/tennessee-state-library-archives/early-governors-papers/article/32054412" for at 2024-09-09 16:50:02 +0000
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.558836 #3198088] INFO -- : Processing by ArticleController#show as HTML
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.559096 #3198088] INFO -- : Parameters: {"user_slug"=>"tennessee-state-library-archives", "collection_id"=>"early-governors-papers", "article_id"=>"32054412"}
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.589670 #3198037] INFO -- : Rendered page_version/show.html.slim within layouts/application (Duration: 213.9ms | Allocations: 496583)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.600169 #3198037] INFO -- : Rendered layout layouts/application.html.slim (Duration: 224.8ms | Allocations: 505731)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.611519 #3198164] INFO -- : Rendered display/display_page.html.slim within layouts/application (Duration: 68.7ms | Allocations: 106274)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.613593 #3198037] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 254ms (Views: 209.6ms | ActiveRecord: 20.9ms | Allocations: 515211)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.613905 #3198037] INFO -- : Oink Action: page_version#show
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.614164 #3198037] INFO -- : Memory usage: 2838148 | PID: 3198037
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.614314 #3198037] INFO -- : Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 35 | PageVersion: 15 | Page: 8 | User: 5 | PageBlock: 3 | Visit: 1 | Work: 1 | Collection: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.614457 #3198037] INFO -- : Oink Log Entry Complete
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.621093 #3198164] INFO -- : Rendered layout layouts/application.html.slim (Duration: 78.5ms | Allocations: 115415)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.625229 #3198164] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 100ms (Views: 67.0ms | ActiveRecord: 17.8ms | Allocations: 126558)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.625481 #3198164] INFO -- : Oink Action: display#display_page
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.625674 #3198164] INFO -- : Memory usage: 2580104 | PID: 3198164
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.625859 #3198164] INFO -- : Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 18 | PageBlock: 6 | Page: 4 | Collection: 3 | Work: 2 | Visit: 1 | User: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.625994 #3198164] INFO -- : Oink Log Entry Complete
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.640838 #3198265] INFO -- : Rendered page_version/show.html.slim within layouts/application (Duration: 153.3ms | Allocations: 260853)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.651110 #3198265] INFO -- : Rendered layout layouts/application.html.slim (Duration: 164.1ms | Allocations: 270012)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.652495 #3197907] INFO -- : Rendered collection/show.html.slim within layouts/application (Duration: 303.2ms | Allocations: 99343)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.655195 #3198265] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 195ms (Views: 157.5ms | ActiveRecord: 15.0ms | Allocations: 282323)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.655481 #3198265] INFO -- : Oink Action: page_version#list
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.655692 #3198265] INFO -- : Memory usage: 873544 | PID: 3198265
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.655864 #3198265] INFO -- : Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 34 | PageVersion: 11 | Page: 8 | User: 5 | Collection: 3 | PageBlock: 3 | Work: 2 | Visit: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.656000 #3198265] INFO -- : Oink Log Entry Complete
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.661794 #3197907] INFO -- : Rendered layout layouts/application.html.slim (Duration: 312.8ms | Allocations: 108409)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.665823 #3197907] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 344ms (Views: 215.3ms | ActiveRecord: 107.5ms | Allocations: 124622)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.666097 #3197907] INFO -- : Oink Action: collection#show
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.666282 #3197907] INFO -- : Memory usage: 2105000 | PID: 3197907
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.666433 #3197907] INFO -- : Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 170 | WorkFacet: 44 | FacetConfig: 42 | Page: 25 | ScCanvas: 24 | Work: 14 | WorkStatistic: 12 | PageBlock: 3 | User: 2 | Visit: 1 | Collection: 1 | Note: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.666574 #3197907] INFO -- : Oink Log Entry Complete
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.672319 #3198088] INFO -- : Rendered article/show.html.slim within layouts/application (Duration: 30.4ms | Allocations: 13160)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.674436 #3197937] INFO -- : Started GET "/unclibraries/00133-cameron/00133-0068/transcribe/1819644" for at 2024-09-09 16:50:02 +0000
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.676829 #3197937] INFO -- : Processing by TranscribeController#display_page as HTML
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.677099 #3197937] INFO -- : Parameters: {"user_slug"=>"unclibraries", "collection_id"=>"00133-cameron", "work_id"=>"00133-0068", "page_id"=>"1819644"}
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.682636 #3198088] INFO -- : Rendered layout layouts/application.html.slim (Duration: 41.0ms | Allocations: 22613)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.686697 #3198088] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 127ms (Views: 30.1ms | ActiveRecord: 17.1ms | Allocations: 36156)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.687014 #3198088] INFO -- : Oink Action: article#show
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.687201 #3198088] INFO -- : Memory usage: 2457228 | PID: 3198088
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.687377 #3198088] INFO -- : Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 14 | PageBlock: 3 | Collection: 2 | PageArticleLink: 2 | Visit: 1 | Article: 1 | User: 1 | Category: 1 | Page: 1 | Work: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.687499 #3198088] INFO -- : Oink Log Entry Complete
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.694239 #3197937] INFO -- : Rendered inline template (Duration: 0.7ms | Allocations: 78)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.695206 #3197937] INFO -- : Redirected to
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.695549 #3197937] INFO -- : Filter chain halted as :authorized? rendered or redirected
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.696170 #3198037] INFO -- : Started GET "/page_version/show?page_version_id=34238447" for at 2024-09-09 16:50:02 +0000
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.696300 #3197937] INFO -- : Completed 302 Found in 19ms (ActiveRecord: 3.8ms | Allocations: 9534)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.696585 #3197937] INFO -- : Oink Action: transcribe#display_page
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.696794 #3197937] INFO -- : Memory usage: 2629292 | PID: 3197937
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.696963 #3197937] INFO -- : Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 13 | PageBlock: 6 | Collection: 3 | Work: 2 | Visit: 1 | Page: 1
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.697108 #3197937] INFO -- : Oink Log Entry Complete
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.698456 #3198037] INFO -- : Processing by PageVersionController#show as HTML
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.698678 #3198037] INFO -- : Parameters: {"page_version_id"=>"34238447"}
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.721043 #3197961] INFO -- : Rendered collection/show.html.slim within layouts/application (Duration: 337.1ms | Allocations: 173976)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.731299 #3197961] INFO -- : Rendered layout layouts/application.html.slim (Duration: 347.6ms | Allocations: 183041)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.731778 #3198062] INFO -- : Rendered display/read_all_works.html.slim within layouts/application (Duration: 158.8ms | Allocations: 271208)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.732234 #3198062] INFO -- : Rendered layout layouts/application.html.slim (Duration: 159.8ms | Allocations: 271915)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.733027 #3198062] INFO -- : Completed 500 in 187ms (ActiveRecord: 19.6ms | Allocations: 279911)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.735788 #3197961] INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 384ms (Views: 244.0ms | ActiveRecord: 115.3ms | Allocations: 199308)
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.736067 #3197961] INFO -- : Oink Action: collection#show
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.736296 #3197961] INFO -- : Memory usage: 2582196 | PID: 3197961
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.736452 #3197961] INFO -- : Instantiation Breakdown: Total: 254 | WorkFacet: 56 | Page: 49 | ScCanvas: 48 | FacetConfig: 42 | Work: 26 | WorkStatistic: 24 | PageBlock: 3 | User: 2 | Visit: 1 | Collection: 1 | Note: 1 | Ahoy::Event: 1
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.736589 #3197961] INFO -- : Oink Log Entry Complete
I, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.737785 #3198113] INFO -- : Rendered page_version/show.html.slim within layouts/application (Duration: 283.3ms | Allocations: 781858)
F, [2024-09-09T16:50:02.741652 #3198062] FATAL -- :
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass):
50: =link_to page.title, page_params(page), onclick: "resultClicked();"
52: .work-page_text[*language_attrs(@collection)]
53: -transcription = xml_to_html(page.xml_text, false, false, nil, params[:article_id])
54: -if @search_string
55: -transcription = highlight_search_terms(transcription, @search_string)
56: -if current_user
2.7.3 :001 > page = Page.find 32404450
=> #<Page id: 32404450, title: "stefansson-wrangel-09-15-011-001", source...
2.7.3 :002 > print page.source_text
PLACE <hi rend="underline"><add>[[Milwaukee (Wisc.)|MILWAUKEE, WIS]]</add></hi> DATE <hi rend="underline"><add><date when="1924-02-26">Feb. 26,1924</date></add></hi>
RECIEVED FROM <hi rend="underline"><add>[[Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 1879-1962|V. Stefansson]]</add></hi>
<hi rend="underline"><add>Two Hundred -</add></hi> DOLLARS, TO BE PAID TO
<hi rend="underline"><add>[[Fletcher, Inglis, 1879-1969|Mrs. John Fletcher]]</add></hi> AT <hi rend="underline"><add>Formosa Apts.</add></hi>
<hi rend="underline"><add>[[Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.)|Hollywood Cal.]]</add></hi>. SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDI-
<hi rend="underline"><add>F. B. Travis.</add></hi>
<add>Per V. F.</add>
CHARGES PAID $<hi rend="underline"><add>2.40</add></hi> => nil
2.7.3 :003 > print page.xml_text
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<p>THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY</p><p>PLACE <hi rend='underline'><add><link link_id='37528280' target_id='32041801' target_title='Milwaukee (Wisc.)'>MILWAUKEE, WIS</link></add></hi> DATE <hi rend='underline'><add><date when='1924-02-26'>Feb. 26,1924</date></add></hi></p><p>RECIEVED FROM <hi rend='underline'><add><link link_id='37528281' target_id='32010887' target_title='Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 1879-1962'>V. Stefansson</link></add></hi><lb/><hi rend='underline'><add>Two Hundred -</add></hi> DOLLARS, TO BE PAID TO<lb/><hi rend='underline'><add><link link_id='37528282' target_id='32042992' target_title='Fletcher, Inglis, 1879-1969'>Mrs. John Fletcher</link></add></hi> AT <hi rend='underline'><add>Formosa Apts.</add></hi><lb/><hi rend='underline'><add><link link_id='37528283' target_id='32042130' target_title='Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.)'>Hollywood Cal.</link></add></hi>. SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDI<lb break='no'/>TIONS OF MONEY TRANSFER ORDER OF THIS DATE.</p><p><hi rend='underline'><add>F. B. Travis.</add></hi><lb/><add>Per V. F.</add></p><p>CHARGES PAID $<hi rend='underline'><add>2.40</add></hi></p>
2.7.3 :004 > page = Page.find 34043802
=> #<Page id: 34043802, title: "18", source_text: "The State of Alabama } Circuit Court,\r\nShelby ...", base_image: "/home/fromthepage/deployment/releases/202404092043...", base_width: 2290, b...
2.7.3 :005 > print page.source_text
The State of Alabama } Circuit Court,
Shelby County. } Spring Term 1861
The Grand Jury of said County charge that before the finding of this Indictment.
John W Florey unlawfully and with intense afore-
thought killed Charles a slave belonging to Edward
Florey by cutting him with a knife or
by divers wounds and bruises inflicted with
a piece or pieces of timber, or by shooting
him with a gun or with a pistol
against the peace and dignity of the State of Alabama
W. H. Moore
Solicitor for the 3d Judicial Circuit of Alabama
<hi rend="str">120</hi>
<hi rend="str">3</hi>
<hi rend="underline"></hi>
<hi rend="str">420</hi>
280 <hi rend="str">1140</hi>
<hi rend="underline">730</hi> <hi rend="str">1010</hi>
1010 <hi rend="str">1.30</hi> => nil
2.7.3 :006 > print page.xml_text
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<p>The State of Alabama } Circuit Court,<lb/>Shelby County. } Spring Term 1861<lb/>The Grand Jury of said County charge that before the finding of this Indictment.<lb/>John W Florey unlawfully and with intense afore<lb break='no'/>thought killed Charles a slave belonging to Edward<lb/>Florey by cutting him with a knife or <lb/>by divers wounds and bruises inflicted with <lb/>a piece or pieces of timber, or by shooting<lb/>him with a gun or with a pistol</p><p>against the peace and dignity of the State of Alabama<lb/>W. H. Moore <lb/>Solicitor for the 3d Judicial Circuit of Alabama</p><p><hi rend='str'>120</hi><lb/><hi rend='str'>3</hi><lb/><hi rend='underline'/><lb/><hi rend='str'>420</hi></p><p>280 <hi rend='str'>1140</hi><lb/><hi rend='underline'>730</hi> <hi rend='str'>1010</hi><lb/>1010 <hi rend='str'>1.30</hi></p>
2.7.3 :007 > page_version = PageVersion.find 19866
=> #<PageVersion id: 19866, title: "S2 Page 56", transcription: "Collector: [[Joseph Grinnell|Grinnell]] - [[1925]]...", xml_transcription: "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-15'?> \n ...",...
2.7.3 :008 > page =
=> #<Page id: 4317, title: "S2 Page 56", source_text: "Collector: [[Joseph Grinnell|Grinnell]] - [[1925]]...", base_image: "/home/fromthepage/fromthepage/releases/20130531212...", base_width: 3920,...
2.7.3 :009 > print page.source_text
Collector: [[Joseph Grinnell|Grinnell]] - [[1925]]
Location: <u>[[Mineral]]</u>, 4800 ft.
Date: <u>[[1925-06-29|June 29]]</u>
Page Number: 2509
[[Hermit Thrush]] nests, with young, previously found,
these latter being off the edges of the [[bog]] on either
side, while the [[Swainson's Thrush (ustulatus)|Russet-back]]s is [sic] <u>in</u> the [[bog]].
<u>[[Willow Flycatcher|Traill Flycatcher]]'s</u> nest just found by [[Hilda Grinnell|Mrs. G.]];
in [[willow]] [[bog]] only about 100 yards from the other one
found today. Rim only 750 mm. above ground; nest in
rather open low thicket, of lush leafage, but surrounded
by taller growth of [[willow]] and [[alder]]; supported on
slanting [[willow]] stem, with other twigs and leafage.
<u>Taken</u> (3/4) along with [female symbol] parent. Male birds keep
out of sight in [[willow]]s; heard to sing in usual
fashion. Eggs perfectly fresh.
Saw full fledged young <u>[[MacGillivray's Warbler|Tolmie Warbler]]</u> in the
<a href="">6271</a> <u>[[Swainson's Thrush (ustulatus)|Russet-backed Thrush]]</u> [female symbol] 29.5 g. With set 1/4 (see <a href="">p. 2508</a>);
<a href="">6272</a> <u>[[Sierra Hermit Thrush]]</u> [male symbol] ju. 24.0 g. From brood found
on [[1925-06-20|June 20]] (see <a href="">p. 2463</a>). As I touched the nest, the four
youngsters, even tho seemingly so undeveloped, decamped
in as many directions with cries which brot [sic] the
distracted mother. Each went over and under logs
and bush with amazing celerity; the nest was forsaken
for good - the safest procedure to the average, I
suppose, in the long run. I found also that
the other nest of this species (see <a href="">p. 2482</a>) had been
left by the brood (of about same age) - save for
one dead and partly skeletonized, by ants, in
the bottom of the nest. => nil
2.7.3 :010 > print page.xml_text
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<p>Collector: <link link_id='150209' target_id='8699' target_title='Joseph Grinnell'>Grinnell</link> - <link link_id='150210' target_id='10005' target_title='1925'>1925</link> <lb/> Location: <u><link link_id='150211' target_id='8694' target_title='Mineral'>Mineral</link></u>, 4800 ft.<lb/> Date: <u><link link_id='150212' target_id='10295' target_title='1925-06-29'>June 29</link></u><lb/> Page Number: 2509<lb/></p><p> <link link_id='150213' target_id='9807' target_title='Hermit Thrush'>Hermit Thrush</link> nests, with young, previously found,<lb/> these latter being off the edges of the <link link_id='150214' target_id='10157' target_title='bog'>bog</link> on either<lb/> side, while the <link link_id='150215' target_id='10297' target_title='Swainson's Thrush (ustulatus)'>Russet-back</link>s is [sic] <u>in</u> the <link link_id='150216' target_id='10157' target_title='bog'>bog</link>.<lb/></p><p> <u><link link_id='150217' target_id='9850' target_title='Willow Flycatcher'>Traill Flycatcher</link>'s</u> nest just found by <link link_id='150218' target_id='8951' target_title='Hilda Grinnell'>Mrs. G.</link>;<lb/> in <link link_id='150219' target_id='9854' target_title='willow'>willow</link> <link link_id='150220' target_id='10157' target_title='bog'>bog</link> only about 100 yards from the other one<lb/> found today. Rim only 750 mm. above ground; nest in<lb/> rather open low thicket, of lush leafage, but surrounded<lb/> by taller growth of <link link_id='150221' target_id='9854' target_title='willow'>willow</link> and <link link_id='150222' target_id='10199' target_title='alder'>alder</link>; supported on<lb/> slanting <link link_id='150223' target_id='9854' target_title='willow'>willow</link> stem, with other twigs and leafage.<lb/> <u>Taken</u> (3/4) along with [female symbol] parent. Male birds keep<lb/> out of sight in <link link_id='150224' target_id='9854' target_title='willow'>willow</link>s; heard to sing in usual<lb/> fashion. Eggs perfectly fresh.<lb/></p><p> Saw full fledged young <u><link link_id='150225' target_id='10203' target_title='MacGillivray's Warbler'>Tolmie Warbler</link></u> in the<lb/> <link link_id='150226' target_id='9854' target_title='willow'>willow</link>s.<lb/></p><p> <a href=''>6271</a> <u><link link_id='150227' target_id='10297' target_title='Swainson's Thrush (ustulatus)'>Russet-backed Thrush</link></u> [female symbol] 29.5 g. With set 1/4 (see <a href=''>p. 2508</a>);<lb/></p><p> <a href=''>6272</a> <u><link link_id='150228' target_id='9799' target_title='Sierra Hermit Thrush'>Sierra Hermit Thrush</link></u> [male symbol] ju. 24.0 g. From brood found<lb/> on <link link_id='150229' target_id='9991' target_title='1925-06-20'>June 20</link> (see <a href=''>p. 2463</a>). As I touched the nest, the four<lb/> youngsters, even tho seemingly so undeveloped, decamped<lb/> in as many directions with cries which brot [sic] the<lb/> distracted mother. Each went over and under logs<lb/> and bush with amazing celerity; the nest was forsaken<lb/> for good - the safest procedure to the average, I <lb/> suppose, in the long run. I found also that<lb/> the other nest of this species (see <a href=''>p. 2482</a>) had been<lb/> left by the brood (of about same age) - save for<lb/> one dead and partly skeletonized, by ants, in<lb/> the bottom of the nest.</p>
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