benweet / stackedit

In-browser Markdown editor
Apache License 2.0
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Very laggy in Chrome. #1770

Open theoryshaw opened 2 years ago

theoryshaw commented 2 years ago

Unusually laggy in Chrome. No lag in firefox.

Is there a screen capture in 'Developer Tools', that I can do, to help you troubleshoot?

Emnolope commented 2 years ago

I am also experiencing severe lag issues. I am using Android Brave with chromium 97.0.4792.71. What is your chromium version?

Emnolope commented 2 years ago

Unusually laggy in Chrome. No lag in firefox.

Is there a screen capture in 'Developer Tools', that I can do, to help you troubleshoot?

Perhaps we can work together to solve?

theoryshaw commented 2 years ago

i haven't experienced lag recently.
Google Chrome Version 97.0.4692.99 (Official Build) (64-bit)

will report again, if it happens again.

Emnolope commented 2 years ago

Gonna make a new issue, since (I think?) Desktop Chromium is different than mobile chromium

GrimSoftworks commented 1 year ago

I don't believe its lag, but certain things cause the markdown editor to preview "slowly". I think this is due to the way we are editing.

I noticed it most when attempting to make markdown tables with copy/pasted information. I don't think its the editor that's the problem but a user generated issue with too much input