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Feature Request: Updated Mermaid to render Gitgraph diagrams #1838

Open fourpastmidnight opened 8 months ago

fourpastmidnight commented 8 months ago

More recent versions of Mermaid (v10.6.0) enable one to create git commit graph diagrams. I love using mermaid diagrams in my markdown files and I'm delighted that StackEdit supports rendering of many of the mermaid diagrams that I have made. However, today, I went to look at the documentation for mermaid to determine how to best display a git commit tree, and lo and behold, they have a specific graph type for it: gitGraph. However, upon entering in a very small amount of syntax for rendering a git tree graph, no diagram is being rendered in SlackEdit. Apparently, GitHub doesn't support this diagram type either, but I would imagine that using an up-to-date version of Mermaid would resolve the issue—both for StackEdit and GitHub. 😉

  commit id: 012abc
  commit id: 653bf2
  branch develop
  commit id: 86ab3c
  checkout main
  merge develop