benweet / stackedit

In-browser Markdown editor
Apache License 2.0
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feature request: the browser-tab-title shall display the active StackEdit-document-name #1839

Open stefanibus opened 7 months ago

stefanibus commented 7 months ago

differentiate multiple open staeckedit-tabs in my browser by browser-title-name

Use case: Several browser-tabs are open in my browser. All of them display StackEdit-pages. The multiple tabs display different-stackedit-page-content. But all Browser-Tabs have the same information in the browser-title

Issue-description: In this situation I can not differentiate between the different browser-tabs. The browser will display the same Browser-tab-title-name with a string of: "StackEdit" on each tab. The title-information is the same for all open browser-tabs although the Stackedit-page-content differs. That is not reflected on the browser title name.

Feature request: To ease this situation the name of my active Stackedit-PAGE may be displayed as the browser-tab-title-name-information.

Soultion: I can visualize which StackEdit-page is active inside of my open browser-TAB. The Name of the active Page on StackEdit equals the Name of-my-active BrowserTab.

Link to screencast Secreenshot (same image as below)
