benweet / stackedit

In-browser Markdown editor
Apache License 2.0
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Please add the function of loading image from local #435

Open gfjreg opened 10 years ago

canpolat commented 10 years ago

Current functionality allows the user to upload a local file to Google Drive/Photos on the go. Do you want to avoid uploading files while inserting to StackEdit?

rebcabin commented 10 years ago

I second this. I would like to use stackedit to build confidential documents that my include confidential images.

jwcd commented 9 years ago

I need this too!

endolith commented 9 years ago

Current functionality allows the user to upload a local file to Google Drive/Photos on the go.

It does? How does that work?

Also, this is super ugly, but you can store images as data URIs in the references section so it's a self-contained text file

canpolat commented 9 years ago

It does? How does that work?

When you click on the 'Image' button, the Image dialog will open. At the bottom left corner of the dialog, there is a button: 'Import from Google+'. Clicking that will take you to the usual Google image upload dialog. There you can upload a file to your Google account and then use it in StackEdit.

shtefcs commented 9 years ago

Hello guys. This is such a wonderful editor, I am in love. One thing which is missing in my case is uploading images from local computer. I know there is Google drive, but not everyone using and keep their images there.

I would use stackeditor in my blogging app, so if u concern about hosting images, I would host images on my own servers. Is this possible guys ?

Tnx in advance.
