benweier / Themr

A UI theme selector for Sublime Text.
MIT License
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After Remove "BOXY Theme",run themr list,also can see boxy #17

Closed erwim closed 7 years ago

erwim commented 7 years ago

Hi,benweier。 I install Boxy Theme by ihodev,when i remove it.i used themr.also can find it in list theme.How can i remove boxy theme in the list?

benweier commented 7 years ago

Hi @erwim did you restart Sublime after removing Boxy theme?

erwim commented 7 years ago

yes,restart sublime. ctrl alt p,themr,list themes,boxy theme also can find it.

erwim commented 7 years ago

e......i choose another pc,.i install boxy again.and i can't find this bug......shall i take some files to you?

benweier commented 7 years ago

Yes that would be great. Could you copy and paste your themr favorites file here?

erwim commented 7 years ago

@benweier can i copy and paste your themr favorites file?i just only can use.i'm not a developer.

{ "bootstrapped": true, "in_process_packages": [ ], "installed_packages": [ "A File Icon", "Alignment", "BracketHighlighter", "ChineseLocalizations", "ConvertChineseCharacters", "ConvertToUTF8", "GBK Support", "IMESupport", "Indent XML", "Markdown Extended", "Markdown Preview", "Monokai Extended", "Package Control", "Package Syncing", "Seti_UI", "SideBarEnhancements", "sublimelint", "Themr", "XssEncode" ] }

benweier commented 7 years ago

Thanks @erwim, this is only your list of installed packages.

I've looked into what Boxy does when you install and remove it. Inside your Packages folder (Preferences > Browse Packages) there will be a folder called zzz A File Icon zzz. Boxy asks to add this package for better file icons in the sidebar but it also creates a patched copy of your installed themes in a sub folder. These artifacts are what you're seeing in the Themr list.

Open your command palette and remove the A File Icon package it will remove these versions of your themes as well.