benwinding / newsit

Chrome Extension for Hacker News and Reddit Links
MIT License
23 stars 1 forks source link

Please add #12

Closed Zhomart closed 2 years ago

Zhomart commented 2 years ago

Lobsters is a computing-focused community centered around link aggregation and discussion, launched on July 3rd, 2012. The administrator is Peter Bhat Harkins ("pushcx"), contact him with any support issues. Lobsters was created by joshua stein with careful design touches to encourage a healthy community:

benwinding commented 2 years ago

Hey mate, This is a cool idea, and I am aware of, but this integration is only possible if they provide a free API, here's some background on the current newsit endpoints.

Hacker News API

We use the generous free API from algolia here . This is because Hacker News is supported by YCombinator which are a massive venture capital firm.

Reddit API

Currently we just request from and parse the HTML on the client, thankfully they allow CORS requests, so we can do this. API

Doesn't look like they have a public REST API, and we cannot make CORS requests, as their site hasn't enabled it (see image below). image Also, they're a small website presumably without a lot of backing, so I wouldn't want to beg them to support this extension for free (unless they want to).

Why not run a scraping server?

It would be possible for me to run an API server which would indirectly contact these endpoints, and the newsit extension would contact that API server, but I don't do that for the following reasons:

Anyway, this was just me thinking out loud. Feel free to ask them for an API or if they can enable CORS requests on their pages

Zhomart commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the quick and detailed response. I'll close the issue for now then, seems like it's unachievable for now.