benwinding / newsit

Chrome Extension for Hacker News and Reddit Links
MIT License
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Code is not minified #15

Open samfundev opened 10 months ago

samfundev commented 10 months ago

Minification is currently disabled. Could it be re-enabled?

benwinding commented 10 months ago

Kind of intentional, the chrome and firefox stores don't like minification, as it makes their reviewing much harder 😟 Does it reduce the bundle by that much?

samfundev commented 10 months ago

Minifying content.js saves about 67.77 kB. It also looks like there might be two copies of react and react-dom included. One in content.js and another in the vendor folder. Which if that's true, it could reduce things further.

I am more concerned about the content.js since the extension runs on every page. Which I assume that means it effects the memory and execution of every page.