benwinding / newsit

Chrome Extension for Hacker News and Reddit Links
MIT License
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Release notes at AMO #6

Closed grahamperrin closed 3 years ago

grahamperrin commented 3 years ago

I see the collection of notes at

It'll be smart to have them instead at e.g.

– for them to also appear in their proper place at about:addons


– and then you can have the Details areas given to general information about the extension (without release notes).


Looking back, was non-empty ☑

benwinding commented 3 years ago

Hi @grahamperrin, Great idea, but the firefox extension store doesn't seem to have an edit "Release Notes" feature... so unless I can assign release notes to each version, I don't want to remove it from the main description. I'll try and add the Release Notes to the next version though. Cheers, Ben

benwinding commented 3 years ago

Not sure if the developer portal has been updated, or I just missed the feature originally, but it seems to be possible now!

All versions now have the corresponding release notes :+1:

grahamperrin commented 3 years ago

Thank you!

