The repository contains a comprehensive documentation of the ecosystem as a javascript framework. If you are new to BEPRO, you might want to check out the Website Overview or our public "Start Building" Page.
Integrate a Smart Contract Object for Protocol Mining
Example, by the usage of a user performing actions on a third party protocol based on the variables below this contract will use its balance to attribute a rewards to the user
Variables for Mining Algorithm
Function (a)
Inputs (b)
Time (c)
Generate a Mining Action by performing third party contract function based on the variables above
Should be integratable in any external contract based on the "Variables" and "Features"
Integrate a Smart Contract Object for Protocol Mining
Description Example, by the usage of a user performing actions on a third party protocol based on the variables below this contract will use its balance to attribute a rewards to the user
Variables for Mining Algorithm
Should be integratable in any external contract based on the "Variables" and "Features"