berak / opencv_smallfry

it did not fit anywhere else ..
57 stars 26 forks source link

Age Gender Guesser #5

Closed TDClarke closed 1 year ago

TDClarke commented 2 years ago

I came across your github and opencv_smallfry examples and have a potential nice example project in java for you!

It would combine a Haar Cascade and 2x DNN networks predicting the images faces, gender and age, This is more elegant than the face angle or anthropomorphic methods and yields better results.

berak commented 2 years ago

apologies for the long delay, also i'm not doing much java atm., but looking here

the classification should be easy to do in java, similar to:

    Net net = Dnn.readNet(modelConfiguration, modelWeights);
    Mat image = Imgcodecs.imread("face.jpg");

    Mat blob = Dnn.blobFromImage(image, 1.0, new Size(256, 256), new Scalar(104, 117, 123), false);
    net.setInput(blob, "data");

    Mat out = net.forward();
    Mat scores = out.reshape(1,1); // to horizontal 1d

    Core.MinMaxLocResult mm = Core.minMaxLoc(scores);
    int classId = mm.maxLoc.x;

links to the models are o this page: