beraybentesen / glide-xamarin-android

Glide Xamarin Binding
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Version 4.1.1 unavailable methods #13

Open MagneticLlama opened 6 years ago

MagneticLlama commented 6 years ago

There are several issues in this release that make it obsolete to the last release. I'm sure I haven't located all of the problems, but I'll make note of the ones that are apparent to me right now.

Missing Methods Glide.Clear() RequestManager.Placeholder() RequestManager.DontAnimate() RequestManager.CenterCrop() RequestManager.Error() RequestManager.DiskCacheStrategy() RequestManager.SkipMemoryCache()

Missing Classes DrawableTypeRequest GenericRequestBuilder

egeorgiades commented 6 years ago

+1 to the above, also .Listener

I cannot get this to work on the most basic sample project (tested .gif and .webp - did not test images).

beraybentesen commented 6 years ago

@egeorgiades Library works well and support many new features. RequestManager has problems because of Xamarin binder does not work well on Abstract methods. Why do you need RequestManager btw ?

egeorgiades commented 6 years ago

Oddly, I couldn't even get the basics to work. I used the nuget 4.1.1 release. I can send my sample solution, but that will get off-topic.

Generally, I also noted that many methods are not supported/ported. Glide.With(ctx) .Load(url) ~.Listener( )~ ~.Placeholder( )~ ~.Error( )~ ~.DiskCacheStrategy(DiskCacheStrategy.None)~ ~.SkipMemoryCache(false)~ ~.DontTransform()~ ~.DontAnimate()~ .Into(imageView);

That and Glide.Clear() I used in your 3.8.0 release.

Fulg0r3 commented 6 years ago

Anything new on this issue? I'm also in need of some of those methods.

Tharkius commented 6 years ago

@Fulg0r3 Apparently the methods are missing because this lib's version is using Glide 4, which has a whole new concept of usage. It's also worth mentioning that Glide 4 "requires you to compile against API 26" (that would be Android Oreo), as it says in the Github page, and this binding lib is targeting MonoAndroid 7.1, when it should be 8, so, for now I recommend to stick with an older version of this lib.

I think the issue can be closed now.