berenger-eu / tbfmm

Task-based fast multipole method, parallelized using OpenMP and StarPU. With StarPU it supports multiple GPUs (CUDA).
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Minimal working example #6

Open ArturSalamatin opened 1 year ago

ArturSalamatin commented 1 year ago

Would you be so kind to provide a minimal working example with a concrete potential calculation? My colleagues, and I are a bit lost with the code.

Now it seems to me that there is a slight confusing with terminology... Am I right that the kernel in your library stands for the way of interpolating an interaction potential, rather than a concrete Green function is a kernel in a convolution operation?

But how could I implement a particular interaction potential and calculate its value efficiently in a set of spatial points using your library?

As a simplest use case we are considering a code implementation of this math: fmm.pdf

Any comments are highly appreciated.

Thank you in advance

berenger-eu commented 1 year ago

Indeed, in my case a kernel includes all operations performed in the FMM: P2M, M2M, M2L, L2L and L2P. Somehow, I use this term no matter how these operations are actually implemented.

For the math you want to implement, I would suggest to do a draft outside tb-fmm, build the matrices, test with one source and one target, ensure the accuracy is OK.

Then, port this into tb-fmm by creating a new kernel by implementing the operations in

Here the KernelExample will have to initiate and use the interaction matrices.

Please let me know if you have any question or remark.

ArturSalamatin commented 1 year ago

So far, I understand that the class FRotationKernel essentially implements the electrostatic potential generated by point-charges in 3D space. This is confirmed by the code-line

Thus, all expansions implemented in your library are for the potential |r-a|^{-1}.


The paper that I mention is focused on a 2D field generated by electric charges. Corresponding expansions can be found there. I think, we are going to implement them as a part of your library in the nearest future as a warm-up worked example.

The ultimate goal of our research group is to be able to solve a heat/diffusion equation in 3D with a linearly distributed time-dependent source term. Corresponding function is typically called heat kernel

ArturSalamatin commented 1 year ago

In comments to your code you mention a paper

and a PhD report of Pierre Fortin

Would you be so kind to share these documents with me? Unfortunately, I was not able to find them in the internet.

ArturSalamatin commented 1 year ago

Which reference would you recommend to get a proper explanation of what is exactly understood under X2Y expansions and translations? So, we could relate methods of your library with the expansions available in the literature.

berenger-eu commented 1 year ago

Yes could you give me your email ? I cannot make those document public.

ArturSalamatin commented 1 year ago

I have just sent you an e-mail Thank you!