Open SupaYoshi opened 12 years ago
Fetching addPacket for removed entity: CraftPlayer{name=SupaYoshi}
01:18:57 [INFO] Playerlist for §fMamootchie§f was not updated. Use a shorter displayname prefix. 01:18:57 [INFO] Playerlist for §fMamootchie§f was not updated. Use a shorter displayname prefix. 01:18:57 [INFO] Playerlist for §fMamootchie§f was not updated. Use a shorter displayname prefix. 01:18:57 [INFO] Playerlist for §fMamootchie§f was not updated. Use a shorter displayname prefix. 01:18:57 [INFO] Playerlist for §fMamootchie§f was not updated. Use a shorter displayname prefix. 01:18:57 [INFO] Playerlist for §fMamootchie§f was not updated. Use a shorter displayname prefix. 01:18:57 [INFO] Playerlist for §fMamootchie§f was not updated. Use a shorter displayname prefix. 01:18:57 [INFO] Playerlist for §fMamootchie§f was not updated. Use a shorter displayname prefix. 01:18:57 [INFO] Playerlist for §fMamootchie§f was not updated. Use a shorter displayname prefix. 01:18:57 [INFO] Playerlist for §fMamootchie§f was not updated. Use a shorter displayname prefix. 01:18:57 [INFO] Playerlist for §fMamootchie§f was not updated. Use a shorter displayname prefix. 01:18:57 [INFO] Playerlist for §fMamootchie§f was not updated. Use a shorter displayname prefix.
Are you sure this is not a general issue? First try if it happens without TrainCarts. Then remove essentials and try then. (essentials tends to fusk everything up)
Only thing I can think of is the exit offset feature, maybe the delayed teleport is causing some odd issues.
First try if beta version 29 fixes this. (added an isDead check)
Hey ;) I never seen it before I had train carts since tonight! I love your plugin btw, only things I've seen buggy is this, and the players the trains go off track sometimes by client side / relog = fine train :)
Btw this NPC gets killed after a hour or so? It just takes a LONG TIME, reloading the server won't work. Rebooting I will see :0 (Probally) :) :) in 1 hour and 29 minutes my server will reboot so :)
Hi when using tran carts and I have some other plugins running on 1.1 R4,
Orebfuscator, GroupManager, Minequery, WorldEdit, SimpleTips, Buycraft, SpamGuard, Vault, pvpstats, Multiverse-Core, PvPToggle, CombatTag, NoReconnectSpam, WorldGuard, TreeAssist, ObsidianDestroyer, NoPortals, Register, LotteryPlus, Permissions, ObsidianFlow, BattleWarp, DragonSpawn, OpenInv, BKCommonLib, mcbans, CFBanner, UnderWaterTNT, NoCheat, Votifier, MonsterBox, mcMMO, Essentials, WorldBorder, Citizens, SimpleRegionMarket, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, Multiverse-Portals, dynmap, Train Carts, ChestShop, EssentialsChat, Factions
I get the following problem: Some players enter the minecart and logout on it? OR anything? and then there is an npc with theyre skin and player there, you cannot hit it, kill it remove it or anything. I don't know whats going to happen when I reload but I will tell.