bergie / VIE

Semantic Interaction Framework for JavaScript
MIT License
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VIE's JSON-LD output doesn't conform to current spec #110

Open flack opened 12 years ago

flack commented 12 years ago

All the array keys in the data passed to backbone.sync start and end with an angle bracket (like According to the current spec on, those angle brackets shouldn't be there, so it would be good if VIE wouldn't add them (since the RESt backend has to remove them again anyways)

bergie commented 12 years ago

W3C's RDF Working Group will publish the JSON-LD spec. Based on my discussions with @msporny, I think it is safest to wait couple of weeks for the spec to be updated before we start making changes on this.

danja commented 11 years ago

I notice that @subject is stll used instead of @id. The W3C spec is now at Last Call, any thoughts on when the code might be updated?

bergie commented 11 years ago

I'm planning to dedicate some time to updating various parts of VIE and Create this summer.

danja commented 11 years ago

Thanks Bergie!

Let me know if you want me to help with updating the JSON-LD bits.

Turned out it wasn't too hard to work around in what I'm playing with (I've got a JSON-LD -> ntriples converter which uses the latest version of the spec for messages). Anyhow, I've now got create integrated into my Seki app, onto the fun part of getting the configuration sweet.

btw, another little tweak I'd suggest would be to, rather than send JSON-LD messages in the "termURI" : "value" style, use the compacted kind with big context/minimal terms, e.g. { "@context": { "name": "", "homepage": { "@id": "", "@type": "@id" } }, "name": "Manu Sporny", "homepage": "" }

so servers that don't understand the JSON-LD can still use the simple name-value parts.

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

@subject still seems in use...

akuckartz commented 10 years ago

JSON-LD has been published as a W3C Recommendation on 2014-01-16:

Papipo commented 9 years ago

Do you know if there is anybody interested in maintaining this repository and create.js? I might be writing a decoupled CMS in ruby but I can't use the libs if they aren't up to date with specs, and I haven't found any alternative (BTW, is there any alternative?). Thanks.