bergie / VIE

Semantic Interaction Framework for JavaScript
MIT License
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duplicate add buttons on collections when about is duplicated #139

Open dbu opened 11 years ago

dbu commented 11 years ago

if the about attribute is duplicated, i.e. in the entity itself and in a list container of the collection, the add button is duplicated.

<div about="/cms/simple/news" xmlns:sioc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:skos="" typeof="mystuff">

    <h2  property="dcterms:title">News</h2>
    <p  property="sioc:content">The latest news about the Symfony CMF:</p>

    <ul  rel="dcterms:hasPart" rev="dcterms:partOf" about="/cms/simple/news">
        <li  typeof="sioc:Post" about="/cms/simple/news/symfony-cmf-website-update">
                <div property="dcterms:title">Symfony CMF website update</div> (2012-09-28)
                <div class="newscontent" property="sioc:content">A test news</div>

@flack says @bergie wants to fix this behaviour and it is a VIE bug in