Actually, this text you're reading has Hallo loaded. To try it out, just click here and start writing. If you want to make more comprehensive modifications, just select some text.
Click on the UL button from the toolbar
Check in the text area, the generated markdown contains HTML :
* <span style="font-size: 16pt; line-height: 21pt; text-indent: 2em;">Actually, this text you're reading has Hallo loaded. To try it out, just click here and start writing. If you want to make more comprehensive modifications, just select some text.</span>
Select, inside the wysiwyg editor the text
* <span style="font-size: 16pt; line-height: 21pt; text-indent: 2em;">Actually, this text you're reading has Hallo loaded. To try it out, just click here and start writing. If you want to make more comprehensive modifications, just select some text.</span>
The markdown should not contains a