bergware / dynamix

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Add option to exclude drives from max temp calculations #9

Closed andreiio closed 6 years ago

andreiio commented 7 years ago

Allow users to individually exclude drives from autofan's highest temperature calculations through a dropdown in the FanSettings page, like in the attached screenshot.

This is useful for users that don't have their SSDs or any other drives behind a fan, as it prevents fans from revving up unnecessarily.

Built and tested on unRAID 6.3.3.


Also fixed a minor typo

bergware commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I'll have a look.

syntactic-salt commented 6 years ago

@bergware this looks like a pretty good feature. If you don't mind, can I ask why this never got merged?

bergware commented 6 years ago

It is an interesting feature, but I didn't have time to come back to this. Meanwhile some other changes are proposed as well, resulting in a conflict.

I'll work on this to get it integrated.

bergware commented 6 years ago

New version is available which includes exclude disks option.

syntactic-salt commented 6 years ago

Thanks for doing that.