beringresearch / ivis

Dimensionality reduction in very large datasets using Siamese Networks
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How is the performance of ivis comparing to other single cell embedding methods? #53

Closed ttgump closed 4 years ago

ttgump commented 4 years ago

General questions about algorithm design and usage. Hi, It is a great new method to learn the low dimensional embedding of the high dimensional single cell data. But how about comparing to other scRNA-seq embedding methods? There are lots of methods for scRNA-seq dimension reduction, for example ZIFA [1], ZINB-Wave [2], DCA [3], scvi [4], scvis [5], scScope [6] etc. Most of them are zero-inflated matrix factorization analysis or denoising/zero-inflated auto-encoders. Thanks.

[1] Pierson, Emma, and Christopher Yau. "ZIFA: Dimensionality reduction for zero-inflated single-cell gene expression analysis." Genome biology 16.1 (2015): 241. [2] Risso, Davide, et al. "A general and flexible method for signal extraction from single-cell RNA-seq data." Nature communications 9.1 (2018): 284. [3] Eraslan, Gökcen, et al. "Single-cell RNA-seq denoising using a deep count autoencoder." Nature communications 10.1 (2019): 390. [4] Lopez, Romain, et al. "Deep generative modeling for single-cell transcriptomics." Nature methods 15.12 (2018): 1053. [5] Ding, Jiarui, Anne Condon, and Sohrab P. Shah. "Interpretable dimensionality reduction of single cell transcriptome data with deep generative models." Nature communications 9.1 (2018): 2002. [6] Deng, Yue, et al. "Scalable analysis of cell-type composition from single-cell transcriptomics using deep recurrent learning." Nature methods 16.4 (2019): 311.

idroz commented 4 years ago

Hi there - thanks for trying out Ivis!

Since ivis is a general dimensionality technique, we have mostly focused our benchmarks on comparable techniques, including PCA, Isomap, UMAP, and t-SNE.

We have also looked internally at comparisons with scvis. If you have data, time, and willingness, would be great to see ivis benchamarked against additional techniques!

idroz commented 4 years ago

Closing this for now, as more of a discussion question.