berkayk / laravel-onesignal

OneSignal Push Notifications for Laravel
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Integration With Lumen #101

Open appsdev85 opened 5 years ago

appsdev85 commented 5 years ago


I tried to add your library to my lumen project, so i registered the provider and alias in the bootstrap/app.php



but i'm getting the following error,

Call to undefined function Berkayk\OneSignal\config_path() in OneSignalServiceProvider.php line 18

of curse cause lumen don't have this function, although you add this code for lumen i think in the OneSignalServiceProvider.php

if ( class_exists('Laravel\Lumen\Application') ) {

Any help will be much appreciated.

berkayk commented 5 years ago

This must be fixed with the latest release.

ThaDaVos commented 5 years ago

Why is it still in the source? Or are you talking about Lumen 6.*?

canerd7u commented 4 years ago

@HWSTS add helper class in config_path function.

rvkvino commented 4 years ago

Hello I used OneSignal::sendNotificationToAll() but it showing Class 'OneSignal' not found error showing.

suijt commented 1 year ago

@HWSTS add helper class in config_path function.

this solved the issue