Hi guys, according to ross' email we should try to keep all the slides into one directory, so I moved stuff around, deleted finalPresentation directory, fixed the makefile and deleted the pdf's.
We should try to merge this ASAP to prevent merge conflicts later.
Also, how is everyone doing with the slides? I think there are somethings still missing:
data preprocessing, models- behavioral section, mixed effect, some results etc
Focus on analysis that we have done (ie figures)
@boyinggong @changsiyao @brianqiu @pigriver123
Hi guys, according to ross' email we should try to keep all the slides into one directory, so I moved stuff around, deleted finalPresentation directory, fixed the makefile and deleted the pdf's.
We should try to merge this ASAP to prevent merge conflicts later.
Also, how is everyone doing with the slides? I think there are somethings still missing: data preprocessing, models- behavioral section, mixed effect, some results etc
Focus on analysis that we have done (ie figures) @boyinggong @changsiyao @brianqiu @pigriver123