AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-005c8955d609> in <module>()
12 frame_history_len=4,
13 target_update_freq=10000,
---> 14 grad_norm_clipping=10
15 )
/Users/mac/Projects/ml-playground/reinforcement/deep_q_learning.py in dqn_learing(env, q_func, optimizer_spec, exploration, stopping_criterion, replay_buffer_size, batch_size, gamma, learning_starts, learning_freq, frame_history_len, target_update_freq, grad_norm_clipping)
135 for t in count():
136 ### Check stopping criterion
--> 137 if stopping_criterion is not None and stopping_criterion(env, t):
138 break
<ipython-input-11-ab71394a8fd6> in stopping_criterion(env, t)
2 # notice that here t is the number of steps of the wrapped env,
3 # which is different from the number of steps in the underlying env
----> 4 return get_wrapper_by_name(env, "Monitor").get_total_steps() >= num_timesteps
AttributeError: '_Monitor' object has no attribute 'get_total_steps'
Seems like whenever I can't get any specified attributes when calling
get_wrapper_by_name(env, "Monitor")
I have update gym version, but it didn't work out.