berkerdemirel / decompl

DECOMPL: Decompositional Learning with Attention Pooling for Group Activity Recognition from a Single Volleyball Image
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Segmentation fault #1

Open m-hajiabadi opened 1 month ago

m-hajiabadi commented 1 month ago

When I test or train models on dateset(both volleyball and collective) I got the Segmentation fault error! Has anyone had this problem?

I use RTX 3090 GPU.

berkerdemirel commented 1 month ago

Hello, thanks for reaching out. When I clone the repo and follow the instructions it does not give me an error both in testing and training for volleyball (haven't checked for collective).

Only seeing segmentation fault is unfortunately not enough for me to debug your issue. Can you be more specific on which line you are getting the error and your checks on local variables etc.?

m-hajiabadi commented 1 month ago

This happens where the backbone is applied. I generate a random tensor instead of applying it to see if this is the only problem. But again and in the next few lines, this error happens again. If you haven't had any problems, it's probably a problem with my system.

berkerdemirel commented 4 weeks ago

You can also provide file names and lines where you encounter the runtime error together with your architecture details for me to try reproducing your error.