berkerpeksag / github-badge

GitHub Badge is a simple embeddable badge showing your GitHub stats like the number of public repositories, number of followers, favorite languages etc.
291 stars 31 forks source link

Consider adding a "karma points" section #18

Open BYK opened 12 years ago

BYK commented 12 years ago

Find a sensible formula to calculate a dynamically changing "karma point" and show this on the badge to better indicate the activity of that specific user.

emres commented 12 years ago

Sounds interesting. This is a nice concept but finding the optimum solution that satisfies most of the developers can prove to be a little bit difficult.

BYK commented 12 years ago

This may include commit frequency, issue activity of the user, issue activity of the user's repositories, number of repo watchers and if possible comment activity of the user. Actually I cannot think about anything else right now. Any ideas?

emres commented 12 years ago

Maybe keeping things as simple as possible is the way to go. On the other hand, if you like to dream of complexity, how about metrics such as "average time the developer took to fix issues on his most populer (forked / followed) project", "average time of fixing an issue on his least popular project (showing he never neglects his poorer children ;-)" And to make things even more complex: give us the ability to select one of the pre-defined metrics, as well as a dead simple API to calculate the ones we may come up in the future, how about that? (OK, just joking)

BYK commented 12 years ago

Hah! Very interesting metric ideas. Meditate on this, I will.

emres commented 12 years ago

Maybe we should start a new project and call it GitHub über-data-mining Tool (and start running crazy experiments to understand and analyze developers working via Github) ;-) (Looking at how this discussion proceeds, this may be its final destionation).

BYK commented 12 years ago

May be you can fork it and start that project =D Or may be we'll create something using Scala and use that as our backend service provider. Who knows?

killthekitten commented 11 years ago

Such widget can be very accurate since all this watching, starring, forking and following features were introduced.