berkerpeksag / github-badge

GitHub Badge is a simple embeddable badge showing your GitHub stats like the number of public repositories, number of followers, favorite languages etc.
289 stars 31 forks source link

my badge has negative watchers #50

Closed alistra closed 12 years ago

alistra commented 12 years ago type in: alistra

BYK commented 12 years ago

@alistra Thanks for reporting this. We have detected a similar issue recently and we though it was fixed. It seems however we have some more to cover. Will fix ASAP! =)

BYK commented 12 years ago

@alistra We have fixed the issue though you have to flush your browser cache or wait less than a day to see your updated watcher count(it is 36 btw). Thank you for the report!

paulyoung commented 12 years ago

I'm seeing this issue here:

BYK commented 12 years ago

@paulyoung This is related with GitHub and not GitHub Badge.