berkerpeksag / github-badge

GitHub Badge is a simple embeddable badge showing your GitHub stats like the number of public repositories, number of followers, favorite languages etc.
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Fixed the frameborder quotation issue #62

Closed monksy closed 11 years ago

monksy commented 11 years ago

Fixed issue #61. If the sample code provided was used in xhtml it would be considered invalid.

BYK commented 11 years ago

Sorry for letting this sit for a while. Will just check if this breaks any supported IE version and then approve accordingly.

monksy commented 11 years ago

It appears to work with me on IE9 Windows 64bit edition.

Also if you need an example where its already up:

BYK commented 11 years ago

IE9 should be good. I'm worried about IE7 and IE8. Thanks for the link, it really helps!

BYK commented 11 years ago

Well, it already looks like :poop: in IE7 and looks good on IE8 so I'm merging it. Thank you!