berkerpeksag / github-badge

GitHub Badge is a simple embeddable badge showing your GitHub stats like the number of public repositories, number of followers, favorite languages etc.
289 stars 31 forks source link

Open links in new tab #77

Closed okrt closed 9 years ago

okrt commented 9 years ago

Just a suggestion but it might help users to stay on the page badge placed.

BYK commented 9 years ago

I'm a big proponent of "leave the decision to the user" about opening new tabs but if @berkerpeksag also agrees with you, I'd be 2 to 1 and I'll yield :)

BYK commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the pull request by the way! (instead of just creating an issue ;))

berkerpeksag commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the patch, but I agree with BYK :)